NAME exec-as - exec(1) with explicit argv[0] SYNOPSIS exec-as FILE [ARGV0 [ARGV]...] DESCRIPTION exec-as shall spawn the program FILE, using execvp(3), using ARGV0 as the value for argv[0], and the following arguments for the following values in argv. NOTES At least one argument is required. Since this is not a builtin function, it cannot be used as exec(1) without arguments to set file descriptors. Because this is not a builtin function, running this program would normally do an fork–exec rather than just an exec. To just perform an exec, you need to use exec(1) too: exec exec-as EXAMPLES 'exec-as bash -bash' will run the first program in $PATH named bash, and set argv[0] to -bash (making it a login shell.) You can add addition argument as needed. SEE ALSO exec(1), exec(3)