.TH DEADSHRED 1 deadshred .SH NAME deadshred \- override the contents of a device that may be broken .SH SYNOPSIS .B deadshred [-b .IR blocksize ] [-o .IR offset ] [-l .I length | -e .IR postend ] [-r] .I device [< .IR random-source ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B deadshred utility fills a file or block devices with nonsense data. The utility is designed specifically for erasing the content of failing hard disc drives, for this purpose, the .I deadshred utility will skip any section it fails to override and retries it later. .SH OPTIONS The following options are supported: .TP .BR -b \ \fIblocksize\fP Selects the initial block-size for writing on the first pass over the device. .TP .BR -e \ \fIpostend\fP Position in the .I device to stop writing at. The byte indexed by the value .I postend will not be overwritten. .TP .BR -l \ \fIlength\fP The number of bytes in the .I device to overwrite. If the .B -o option is unused (or the .I offset 0 is used), this is equivalent to the .B -e option, however the .B -o option is used, writing will stop at .I length bytes past .IR offset . .TP .BR -o \ \fIoffset\fP The index of the first byte in the .I device to overwrite. .TP .B -r Start writing from the end instead of from the beginning on the first pass over the device. .PP The value of the .B -belo flags can be expressed a sum of terms (delimited by SP .RB (' " " '), comma .RB (' , '), or plus .RB (' + ')) expressed either as a integer representing a byte count, or a real number with an optionally prefixed byte size unit, which shall be either .B B (for bytes, which requires the number to be an integer) or a prefix followed by .B iB (for base 1024) or .B B (for base 1000), or just the prefix (also for base 1024). The lowest supported prefix is .B k .RB ( K is recognised as a synonym, but the value is otherwise case sensitive). .SH OPERANDS The following operand is supported: .TP .I file The file to override. Must be either a regular file or a block device. .SH STDIN Unless the standard input is a terminal device, it shall be an unless source of either random data or a particular byte to fill the device with. .SH STDOUT If the process is terminated using either of the signals SIGTERM or SIGINT, the process will write to standard output a map of sections that has not been overwritten yet. The output will be the concatenation of one string per section, each on the format .PP .nf \fB\(dq%s%x-%x/%x\(dq,\fP <\fB\(dq0x\(dq\fP for the first section, \fB\(dq,\(dq\fP otherwise>\fB,\fP <\fIindex of the first byte in the section\fP>\fB,\fP <\fIindex of the byte after the last in the section\fP>\fB,\fP <\fIthe block size that should be used when trying to overwrite\fP> .fi .SH NOTES While the .B deadshred utility is designed for block devices, it also works for regular files, however does not provide options that are useful for erasing regular files and is not designed to work with filesystems that use copy on write. .SH SEE ALSO .BR dd (1), .BR shred (1)