.TH CRT-CALIBRATOR 1 CRT-CALIBRATOR .SH NAME crt-calibrator - CRT monitor calibrator utility for Linux VT .SH SYNOPSIS .BR crt-calibrator .RI [ FILE ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B crt-calibrator is an interactive tool that guides you through calibrating your CRT monitors. When done, the program will print gamma-ramp information that is useful when setting the calibrations automatically. If .B FILE is specified, this information is stored to that the file named .BR FILE . .PP The program cannot be run from inside .BR X , it is required that it is run from the .BR Linux\ VT , otherwise known as the TTY. .SH NOTES .B crt-calibrator should not be used to calibrate LCD (neither LED or TFT), plasma monitors, or OLED. It should only be used to calibrate monitors with nice gamma-curves, such as CRT monitors. Not monitors with sigmoid-curves. .SH RATIONALE Few users have calibration hardware, and CRT monitors can be sufficiently calibrated manually without them. However, before .B crt-calibrator the best way to calibrator CRT monitors was to have specialised test images, with colour bars and samples. But this requires expertise, the common user will know how to contruct these images or the best procedure for applying the corrections. And it is tedious if you do not find any interactive tool for change changing the settings. The alternative why was to use test pictures that relied on you deciding what looked most realistic rather than the image itself telling you. But that's not all, to my knowledge, this is actually the first program that runs outside a display server. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR analyse-gamma (1), .BR blueshift (1) .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the COPYING file for the full list of authors. .SH LICENSE Copyright \(co 2014 Mattias Andrée .br License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . .br This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. .br There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://codeberg.org/maandree/crt-calibrator/issues or to m@maandree.se