.TH COREUPDOWND 5 COREUPDOWN .SH MAME coreupdownd.conf - Configurations for coreupdownd(1) .SH SYNPOSIS /etc/coreupdownd.conf .SH DESCRIPTION The .B coreupdownd.conf configuration files is a plain line based configuration file for the .BR coreupdownd (1) daemon. .PP Any hash .RB ( # ) character starts comment that end of the end of the cline. Comments and otherwise blank lines are ignored. Apart from this, each line must be a configuration name, followed by an equals sign .RB ( = ), followed by the value for the configuration. Spaces may be added around the equals sign and around the line. .PP The following configurations are recognised, refer to the OPTIONS section in .BR coreupdownd (1) for interpretation of them: .PP .TP * coreup-cpu-usage-threshold .TP * coredown-cpu-usage-threshold .TP * coreup-cpu-usage-time-consistency-threshold .TP * coredown-cpu-usage-time-consistency-threshold .TP * coreup-cooldown-time .TP * coredown-cooldown-time .TP * check-interval .TP * post-coreup-command .TP * post-coredown-command .SH NOTES None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR coreupdownd (1), .BR coreup (1), .BR coredown (1)