.TH COREDOWN 1 COREDOWNDOWN .SH NAME coredown - Disable all but one CPU core .SH SYNPOSIS coredown .RI [ count ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B coredown utility disables all CPU cores on the machine expect the CPU 0. .PP This is designed as a workaround for virtual machines that have input performance issues (keyboard input lag and keys getting stuck) when more than one CPU core is online. .SH OPTIONS No options are supported. .SH OPERANDS The following operand is supported: .TP .I count Enable the first .I count CPU cores and disable the rest. .SH STDIN The .B coredown utility does not use the standard input. .SH INPUT FILES None. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES No environment variables affects the execution of .B coredown .SH ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS Default. .SH STDOUT The .B coredown utility does not use the standard output. .SH STDERR The standard error is used for diagnostic messages. .SH OUTPUT FILES None. .SH EXTENDED DESCRIPTION None. .SH EXIT STATUS If the .B coredown utility fails it will exit with one of the following statuses: .TP 0 Successful completion. .TP 1 An error occurred. .SH CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS Default. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH NOTES The is no difference between the .BR coreup (1) and .BR coredown (1) utilities when the .I count operand is specified. .SH BUGS None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR coreup (1)