/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
#include "cg-base.h"
#include <libclut.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* The default filter priority for the program
const int64_t default_priority = -((int64_t)1 << 62);
* The default class for the program
char default_class[] = PKGNAME "::cg-limits::standard";
* Class suffixes
const char* const* class_suffixes = (const char* const[]){NULL};
* -d: keep process alive and remove filter on death
static int dflag = 0;
* -x: remove filter rather than adding it
static int xflag = 0;
* -B: brightness listing file
static char* Bflag = NULL;
* -C: constrat listing file
static char* Cflag = NULL;
* The brightness of the red channel
static double rbrightness = 0;
* The brightness of the green channel
static double gbrightness = 0;
* The brightness of the blue channel
static double bbrightness = 0;
* The contrast of the red channel
static double rcontrast = 1;
* The contrast of the green channel
static double gcontrast = 1;
* The contrast of the blue channel
static double bcontrast = 1;
* `NULL`-terminated list of output names
* listed in the brightness configuration file
static char** brightness_names = NULL;
* The brightness of the red channel on monitor
* with same index in `brightness_names`
static double* rbrightnesses = NULL;
* The brightness of the green channel on monitor
* with same index in `brightness_names`
static double* gbrightnesses = NULL;
* The brightness of the blue channel on monitor
* with same index in `brightness_names`
static double* bbrightnesses = NULL;
* `NULL`-terminated list of output names
* listed in the contrast configuration file
static char** contrast_names = NULL;
* The contrast of the red channel on monitor
* with same index in `contrast_names`
static double* rcontrasts = NULL;
* The contrast of the green channel on monitor
* with same index in `contrast_names`
static double* gcontrasts = NULL;
* The contrast of the blue channel on monitor
* with same index in `contrast_names`
static double* bcontrasts = NULL;
* Print usage information and exit
void usage(void)
"Usage: %s [-M method] [-S site] [-c crtc]... [-R rule] (-x | [-p priority] [-d] "
"([-B brightness-file] [-C contrast-file] | brightness-all:contrast-all | "
"brightness-red:contrast-red brightness-green:contrast-green brightness-blue:contrast-blue))\n",
* Perform cleanup so valgrind output is clean
* @param ret The value to return
* @return `ret` is returned as is
static int cleanup(int ret)
int saved_errno = errno;
if (brightness_names != NULL)
char** p = brightness_names;
while (*p)
if (contrast_names != NULL)
char** p = contrast_names;
while (*p)
errno = saved_errno;
return ret;
* Handle a command line option
* @param opt The option, it is a NUL-terminate two-character
* string starting with either '-' or '+', if the
* argument is not recognised, call `usage`. This
* string will not be "-M", "-S", "-c", "-p", or "-R".
* @param arg The argument associated with `opt`,
* `NULL` there is no next argument, if this
* parameter is `NULL` but needed, call `usage`
* @return 0 if `arg` was not used,
* 1 if `arg` was used,
* -1 on error
int handle_opt(char* opt, char* arg)
if (opt[0] == '-')
switch (opt[1])
case 'd':
if (dflag || xflag)
dflag = 1;
case 'x':
if (xflag || dflag)
xflag = 1;
case 'B':
if (Bflag || !(Bflag = arg))
return 1;
case 'C':
if (Cflag || !(Cflag = arg))
return 1;
return 0;
* Get the pathname of a configuration file
* @param confname The filename (excluding directory) of the configuration file
* @return The full pathname of the configuration file, `NULL` on error
static char* get_conf_file(const char* restrict confname)
struct passwd* pw;
char* path;
pw = getpwuid(getuid());
if ((pw == NULL) || (pw->pw_dir == NULL))
return NULL;
path = malloc(strlen(pw->pw_dir) + strlen(confname) + sizeof("/.config/"));
if (path == NULL)
return NULL;
sprintf(path, "%s/.config/%s", pw->pw_dir, confname);
if (access(path, F_OK) < 0)
sprintf(path, "/etc/%s", confname);
return path;
* Parse a double encoded as a string
* @param out Output parameter for the value
* @param str The string
* @return Zero on success, -1 if the string is invalid
static int parse_double(double* restrict out, const char* restrict str)
char* end;
errno = 0;
*out = strtod(str, &end);
if (errno || isinf(*out) || isnan(*out) || *end)
return -1;
if (!*str || !strchr("-0123456789.", *str))
return -1;
return 0;
* Parse two doubles encoded as a "%lf:%lf" string
* @param left Output parameter for the first value
* @param right Output parameter for the second value
* @param str The string
* @return Zero on success, -1 if the string is invalid
static int parse_twidouble(double* restrict left, double* restrict right, const char* restrict str)
char* p = strchr(str, ':');
int r;
if (p == NULL)
return -1;
*p = '\0';
r = -((parse_double(left, str) < 0) || (parse_double(right, p + 1) < 0));
*p = ':';
return r;
* Parse configuration file
* @param pathname The pathname of the file
* @param names Reference to the list of names
* @param rs Reference to the list of red values
* @param gs Reference to the list of green values
* @param bs Reference to the list of blue values
* @return Zero on success, -1 on error
static int parse_conf_file(const char* restrict pathname, char*** restrict names,
double** restrict rs, double** restrict gs, double** restrict bs)
int fd, saved_errno;
char* line = NULL;
size_t size = 0, lineno = 0, ptr = 0, alloc = 0;
ssize_t n;
char* p;
char* q;
char* r;
char* g;
char* b;
fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)
return -1;
f = fdopen(fd, "rb");
if (f == NULL)
goto fail;
while (n = getline(&line, &size, f), n >= 0)
lineno += 1;
if ((n > 0) && (line[n - 1] == '\n'))
line[n - 1] = '\0';
p = line;
while ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t')) p++;
if ((!*p) || (*p == '#'))
r = strpbrk(line, " \t");
if (r == NULL)
goto bad;
while (r[1] == ' ' || r[1] == '\t') r++;
g = strpbrk(r + 1, " \t");
if (g == NULL)
goto bad;
while (g[1] == ' ' || g[1] == '\t') g++;
b = strpbrk(g + 1, " \t");
if (b == NULL)
goto bad;
while (b[1] == ' ' || b[1] == '\t') b++;
for (;;)
q = strpbrk(b + 1, " \t");
if (q == NULL)
while (q[1] == ' ' || q[1] == '\t') q++;
if (!*q)
r = g, g = b, b = q;
*r++ = '\0';
*g++ = '\0';
*b++ = '\0';
q = strpbrk(r, " \t");
if (q != NULL)
*q = '\0';
q = strpbrk(g, " \t");
if (q != NULL)
*q = '\0';
q = strpbrk(b, " \t");
if (q != NULL)
*q = '\0';
q = strchr(p, '\0');
while ((q != p) && ((q[-1] == ' ') || (q[-1] == '\t')))
*q = '\0';
if (ptr == alloc)
void* new;
size_t new_size = alloc ? (alloc << 1) : 4;
new = realloc(*rs, new_size * sizeof(**rs));
if (new == NULL)
goto fail;
*rs = new;
new = realloc(*gs, new_size * sizeof(**gs));
if (new == NULL)
goto fail;
*gs = new;
new = realloc(*bs, new_size * sizeof(**bs));
if (new == NULL)
goto fail;
*bs = new;
new = realloc(*names, (new_size + 1) * sizeof(**names));
if (new == NULL)
goto fail;
*names = new;
memset(*names + alloc, 0, (new_size + 1 - alloc) * sizeof(**names));
alloc = new_size;
if ((parse_double((*rs) + ptr, r) < 0) ||
(parse_double((*gs) + ptr, g) < 0) ||
(parse_double((*bs) + ptr, b) < 0))
goto bad;
(*names)[ptr] = malloc(strlen(p) + 1);
if ((*names)[ptr] == NULL)
goto fail;
strcpy((*names)[ptr], p);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignoring malformatted line in %s: %zu\n", argv0, pathname, lineno);
if (fclose(f) < 0)
f = NULL;
goto fail;
return 0;
saved_errno = errno;
if (f != NULL)
if (fd >= 0)
errno = saved_errno;
return -1;
* Parse brightness configuration file
* @param pathname The pathname of the file
* @return Zero on success, -1 on error
static int parse_brightness_file(const char* restrict pathname)
return parse_conf_file(pathname, &brightness_names, &rbrightnesses, &gbrightnesses, &bbrightnesses);
* Parse contrast configuration file
* @param pathname The pathname of the file
* @return Zero on success, -1 on error
static int parse_contrast_file(const char* restrict pathname)
return parse_conf_file(pathname, &contrast_names, &rcontrasts, &gcontrasts, &bcontrasts);
* This function is called after the last
* call to `handle_opt`
* @param argc The number of unparsed arguments
* @param argv `NULL` terminated list of unparsed arguments
* @param prio The argument associated with the "-p" option
* @return Zero on success, -1 on error
int handle_args(int argc, char* argv[], char* prio)
int free_Bflag = 0, free_Cflag = 0, saved_errno;
int q = xflag + dflag;
if ((q > 1) || (xflag && ((Bflag != NULL) || (Cflag != NULL) || (argc > 0) || (prio != NULL))))
if ((Bflag || Cflag) && argc)
if (argc == 1)
if (parse_twidouble(&rbrightness, &rcontrast, argv[0]) < 0)
bbrightness = gbrightness = rbrightness;
bcontrast = gcontrast = rcontrast;
else if (argc == 3)
if (parse_twidouble(&rbrightness, &rcontrast, argv[0]) < 0)
if (parse_twidouble(&gbrightness, &gcontrast, argv[1]) < 0)
if (parse_twidouble(&bbrightness, &bcontrast, argv[2]) < 0)
else if (argc)
if (!argc && !Bflag && !xflag)
Bflag = get_conf_file("brightness");
if (Bflag == NULL)
return -1;
free_Bflag = 1;
if (Bflag)
if (parse_brightness_file(Bflag) < 0)
goto fail;
if (free_Bflag)
free(Bflag), Bflag = NULL;
if (!argc && !Cflag && !xflag)
Cflag = get_conf_file("contrast");
if (Cflag == NULL)
return -1;
free_Cflag = 1;
if (Cflag)
if (parse_contrast_file(Cflag) < 0)
goto fail;
if (free_Cflag)
free(Cflag), Cflag = NULL;
return 0;
saved_errno = errno;
if (free_Bflag)
free(Bflag), Bflag = NULL;
if (free_Cflag)
free(Cflag), Cflag = NULL;
errno = saved_errno;
return cleanup(-1);
* Fill a filter
* @param filter The filter to fill
* @param rb The red brightness
* @param rc The red contrast
* @param gb The green brightness
* @param gc The green contrast
* @param bb The blue brightness
* @param bc The blue contrast
* @return Zero on success, -1 on error
static int fill_filter(libcoopgamma_filter_t* restrict filter,
double rb, double rc, double gb, double gc, double bb, double bc)
union libcoopgamma_ramps dramps;
size_t size;
if (filter->depth == LIBCOOPGAMMA_DOUBLE)
libclut_rgb_limits(&(filter->ramps.d), (double)1, double, rb, rc, gb, gc, bb, bc);
libclut_clip(&(filter->ramps.d), (double)1, double, 1, 1, 1);
return 0;
if (filter->depth == LIBCOOPGAMMA_FLOAT)
libclut_rgb_limits(&(filter->ramps.f), (float)1, float, rb, rc, gb, gc, bb, bc);
libclut_clip(&(filter->ramps.f), (float)1, float, 1, 1, 1);
return 0;
size = dramps.d.red_size = filter->ramps.d.red_size;
size += dramps.d.green_size = filter->ramps.d.green_size;
size += dramps.d.blue_size = filter->ramps.d.blue_size;
dramps.d.red = calloc(size, sizeof(double));
if (dramps.d.red == NULL)
return -1;
dramps.d.green = dramps.d.red + dramps.d.red_size;
dramps.d.blue = dramps.d.green + dramps.d.green_size;
libclut_start_over(&(dramps.d), (double)1, double, 1, 1, 1);
libclut_rgb_limits(&(dramps.d), (double)1, double, rb, rc, gb, gc, bb, bc);
libclut_clip(&(dramps.d), (double)1, double, 1, 1, 1);
switch (filter->depth)
libclut_translate(&(filter->ramps.u8), UINT8_MAX, uint8_t, &(dramps.d), (double)1, double);
libclut_translate(&(filter->ramps.u16), UINT16_MAX, uint16_t, &(dramps.d), (double)1, double);
libclut_translate(&(filter->ramps.u32), UINT32_MAX, uint32_t, &(dramps.d), (double)1, double);
libclut_translate(&(filter->ramps.u64), UINT64_MAX, uint64_t, &(dramps.d), (double)1, double);
return 0;
* The main function for the program-specific code
* @return 0: Success
* -1: Error, `errno` set
* -2: Error, `cg.error` set
* -3: Error, message already printed
int start(void)
int r;
size_t i, j, k;
if (xflag)
for (i = 0; i < filters_n; i++)
crtc_updates[i].filter.lifespan = LIBCOOPGAMMA_REMOVE;
else if (dflag)
for (i = 0; i < filters_n; i++)
crtc_updates[i].filter.lifespan = LIBCOOPGAMMA_UNTIL_DEATH;
for (i = 0; i < filters_n; i++)
crtc_updates[i].filter.lifespan = LIBCOOPGAMMA_UNTIL_REMOVAL;
if (!xflag && ((brightness_names != NULL) || (contrast_names != NULL)))
if ((r = make_slaves()) < 0)
return cleanup(r);
if ((brightness_names == NULL) && (contrast_names == NULL))
for (i = 0, r = 1; i < filters_n; i++)
if (!(crtc_updates[i].master) || !(crtc_info[crtc_updates[i].crtc].supported))
if (!xflag)
if ((r = fill_filter(&(crtc_updates[i].filter), rbrightness, rcontrast,
gbrightness, gcontrast, bbrightness, bcontrast)) < 0)
return cleanup(r);
r = update_filter(i, 0);
if ((r == -2) || ((r == -1) && (errno != EAGAIN)))
return cleanup(r);
if (crtc_updates[i].slaves != NULL)
for (j = 0; crtc_updates[i].slaves[j] != 0; j++)
r = update_filter(crtc_updates[i].slaves[j], 0);
if ((r == -2) || ((r == -1) && (errno != EAGAIN)))
return cleanup(r);
char* empty = NULL;
char** bnames = brightness_names ? brightness_names : ∅
char** cnames = contrast_names ? contrast_names : ∅
for (i = 0, r = 1; i < filters_n; i++)
if (!(crtc_info[crtc_updates[i].crtc].supported))
for (j = 0; bnames[j] != NULL; j++)
if (!strcasecmp(crtc_updates[i].filter.crtc, bnames[j]))
for (k = 0; cnames[k] != NULL; k++)
if (!strcasecmp(crtc_updates[i].filter.crtc, cnames[k]))
if ((bnames[j] != NULL) || (cnames[k] != NULL))
double rb = 0, gb = 0, bb = 0, rc = 1, bc = 1, gc = 1;
if (bnames[j] != NULL)
rb = rbrightnesses[j], gb = gbrightnesses[j], bb = bbrightnesses[j];
if (cnames[j] != NULL)
rc = rcontrasts[j], gc = gcontrasts[j], bc = bcontrasts[j];
if ((r = fill_filter(&(crtc_updates[i].filter), rb, rc, gb, gc, bb, bc)) < 0)
return cleanup(r);
r = update_filter(i, 0);
if ((r == -2) || ((r == -1) && (errno != EAGAIN)))
return cleanup(r);
while (r != 1)
if ((r = synchronise(-1)) < 0)
return cleanup(r);
if (!dflag)
return cleanup(0);
if (libcoopgamma_set_nonblocking(&cg, 0) < 0)
return cleanup(-1);
for (;;)
if (libcoopgamma_synchronise(&cg, NULL, 0, &j) < 0)
switch (errno)
case 0:
goto enotrecoverable;
return cleanup(-1);
for (;;)
if (pause() < 0)
return cleanup(-1);