.TH BUS 1 BUS .SH NAME bus - A simple daemonless system for broadcasting messages locally .SH SYNOPSIS .B bus .IR command .IR argument\ ... .SH COMMANDS .TP .B create Create a bus, see .BR bus-create (1) for further details. .TP .B remove Remove a bus, see .BR bus-remove (1) for further details. .TP .B listen Listen for new message on a bus, see .BR bus-listen (1) for further details. .TP .B wait Listen for one new message only on a bus, see .BR bus-wait (1) for further details. .TP .B broadcast Broadcast a message on a bus, see .BR bus-broadcast (1) for further details. .TP .B chmod Change permissions on a bus, see .BR bus-chmod (1) for further details. .TP .B chown Change ownership of a bus, see .BR bus-chown (1) for further details. .TP .B chgrp Change group ownership of a bus, see .BR bus-chgrp (1) for further details. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 0 The command was successful. .TP 1 The command failed. .TP 2 The command is not recognised. .SH SEE ALSO .BR bus-create (1), .BR bus-remove (1), .BR bus-listen (1), .BR bus-wait (1), .BR bus-broadcast (1), .BR bus-chmod (1), .BR bus-chown (1), .BR bus-chgrp (1), .BR bus (5), .BR libbus (7)