# -*- python -*- # This example uses option parsing and CRTC searching. # `Screens.find_by_crtc` and `Screen.find_by_crtc`, are # not used, those are not useful for anything. They can # be used for seaching the number of connected monitors, # but `Screen.crtc_count` is much more effective. # We want to use the ad-hoc mode options. uses_adhoc_opts = True # Parse gamma option from ad-hoc mode options. gamma_ = parser.opts['--gamma'] if gamma_ is None: gamma_ = [1, 1, 1] else: if len(gamma_) > 1: print('--gamma can only be used once') sys.exit(1) gamma_ = [float(x) for x in gamma_[0].split(':')] # Parse temperature option from ad-hoc mode options. temperature_ = parser.opts['--temperature'] if temperature_ is None: temperature_ = 5000 else: if len(temperature_) > 1: print('--temperature can only be used once') sys.exit(1) temperature_ = float(temperature_[0]) # Read configuration script options. parser = ArgParser('Colour temputare controller', '%s [-p] -c %s -- [options]' % (sys.argv[0], conf_opts[0]), 'Example configuration script using option parsing\n' 'and CRTC searching functions.', None, True, ArgParser.standard_abbreviations()) parser.add_argumentless(['-h', '-?', '--help'], 0, 'Print this help information') parser.add_argumented(['-n', '--name'], 0, 'NAME', 'Select output by name') parser.add_argumented(['-s', '--size'], 0, 'WIDTH_MM:HEIGHT_MM', 'Select output by monitor size') parser.parse(conf_opts) parser.support_alternatives() if parser.opts['--help'] is not None: parser.help() sys.exit(0) # Find CRTC:s. screens = list_screens() outputs = [] # Find CRTC:s by name. if parser.opts['--name'] is not None: for name in parser.opts['--name']: outputs += screens.find_by_name(name) # Find CRTC:s by monitor size. if parser.opts['--size'] is not None: for size in parser.opts['--size']: outputs += screens.find_by_size(*[int(x) for x in size.split(':')]) # Adjust colour curves. for output in outputs: # Perform adjustments. start_over() temperature(temperature_, lambda t : divide_by_maximum(cmf_10deg(t))) gamma(*gamma_) # Apply adjustments. randr(output.crtc, screen = output.screen)