High priority:
	Add models for calculating fade and refresh rate parameters
	Test with multiple X screens

Medium priority:
	Add a section in manual for information on which order
	  to apply settings and how it affects the result.
	Improve multi-screen and multi-display support so that new
	  connections are not need all the time.

Low priority:
	Add support for temporarily closing DRM connection so that multiple users can run in DRM
	Add ramp interpolators:
	Use curve sizes returned from RandR/VidMode/...
	  (Not too important, it is hardcoded in X to only allow 256)
	Use Robertson's method
	Screen count function for VidMode should be added

Future stuff:
	How is it looking on the DirectFB front?
	Test on the BSD:s
	Add support for the BSD:s' TTY:s
	Test on ReactOS support (this way windows might get supported without
	  my computer or soul being violated with proprietary software.)
	  (Does ReactOS support support gamma ramps? It does not,
	  it should be enough that everything else works.)
	If there anyway to test Quartz without Mac OS X proper, test Quartz
	Make an example that warns about UPS states
	  (not too important, you should have that in /etc/inittab)