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diff --git a/src/blueshift_drm.pyx b/src/blueshift_drm.pyx
index b1e425e..c8770c0 100644
--- a/src/blueshift_drm.pyx
+++ b/src/blueshift_drm.pyx
@@ -20,31 +20,179 @@ from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
cdef extern void blueshift_drm_close()
+Free all resources, but you need to close all connections first
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_card_count()
+Get the number of cards present on the system
+@return The number of cards present on the system
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_open_card(int card_index)
+Open connection to a graphics card
+@param card_index The index of the graphics card
+@return -1 on failure, otherwise an identifier for the connection to the card
cdef extern void blueshift_drm_update_card(int connection)
+Update the resource, required after `blueshift_drm_open_card`
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
cdef extern void blueshift_drm_close_card(int connection)
+Close connection to the graphics card
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_crtc_count(int connection)
+Return the number of CRTC:s on the opened card
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@return The number of CRTC:s on the opened card
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_connector_count(int connection)
+Return the number of connectors on the opened card
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@return The number of connectors on the opened card
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_gamma_size(int connection, int crtc_index)
+Return the size of the gamma ramps on a CRTC
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param crtc_index The index of the CRTC
+@return The size of the gamma ramps on a CRTC
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_get_gamma_ramps(int connection, int crtc_index, int gamma_size,
unsigned short int* red,
unsigned short int* green,
unsigned short int* blue)
+Get the current gamma ramps of a monitor
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param crtc_index The index of the CRTC to read from
+@param gamma_size The size a gamma ramp
+@param red Storage location for the red gamma ramp
+@param green Storage location for the green gamma ramp
+@param blue Storage location for the blue gamma ramp
+@return Zero on success
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_set_gamma_ramps(int connection, int crtc_index, int gamma_size,
unsigned short int* red,
unsigned short int* green,
unsigned short int* blue)
+Set the gamma ramps of the of a monitor
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param crtc_index The index of the CRTC to read from
+@param gamma_size The size a gamma ramp
+@param red The red gamma ramp
+@param green The green gamma ramp
+@param blue The blue gamma ramp
+@return Zero on success
cdef extern void blueshift_drm_open_connector(int connection, int connector_index)
+Acquire information about a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
cdef extern void blueshift_drm_close_connector(int connection, int connector_index)
+Release information about a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_get_width(int connection, int connector_index)
+Get the physical width the monitor connected to a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@return The physical width of the monitor in millimetres, 0 if unknown or not connected
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_get_height(int connection, int connector_index)
+Get the physical height the monitor connected to a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@return The physical height of the monitor in millimetres, 0 if unknown or not connected
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_is_connected(int connection, int connector_index)
+Get whether a monitor is connected to a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@return 1 if there is a connection, 0 otherwise, -1 if unknown
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_get_crtc(int connection, int connector_index)
+Get the index of the CRTC of the monitor connected to a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@return The index of the CRTC
cdef extern int blueshift_drm_get_connector_type_index(int connection, int connector_index)
+Get the index of the type of a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@return The connector type by index, 0 for unknown
cdef extern const char* blueshift_drm_get_connector_type_name(int connection, int connector_index)
+Get the name of the type of a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@return The connector type by name, "Unknown" if not identifiable,
+ "Unrecognised" if Blueshift does not recognise it.
cdef extern long int blueshift_drm_get_edid(int connection, int connector_index, char* edid,
long int size, int hexadecimal)
+Get the extended display identification data for the monitor connected to a connector
+@param connection The identifier for the connection to the card
+@param connector_index The index of the connector
+@param edid Storage location for the EDID, it should be 128 bytes, 256 bytes + zero termination if hex
+@param size The size allocated to `edid` excluding your zero termination
+@param hexadecimal Whether to convert to hexadecimal representation, this is preferable
+@return The length of the found value, 0 if none, as if hex is false
diff --git a/src/blueshift_randr.pyx b/src/blueshift_randr.pyx
index 80caab1..a4e80bc 100644
--- a/src/blueshift_randr.pyx
+++ b/src/blueshift_randr.pyx
@@ -20,12 +20,43 @@ from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
cdef extern int blueshift_randr_open(int use_screen, char* display)
+Start stage of colour curve control
+@param use_screen The screen to use
+@param display The display to use, `NULL` for the current one
+@return Zero on success
cdef extern unsigned short int* blueshift_randr_read(int use_crtc)
+Gets the current colour curves
+@param use_crtc The CRTC to use
+@return {the size of the red curve, *the red curve,
+ the size of the green curve, *the green curve,
+ the size of the blue curve, *the blue curve},
+ needs to be free:d. `NULL` on error.
cdef extern int blueshift_randr_apply(unsigned long long int use_crtcs,
unsigned short int* r_curve,
unsigned short int* g_curve,
unsigned short int* b_curve)
+Apply stage of colour curve control
+@param use_crtcs Mask of CRTC:s to use
+@param r_curve The red colour curve
+@param g_curve The green colour curve
+@param b_curve The blue colour curve
+@return Zero on success
cdef extern void blueshift_randr_close()
+Resource freeing stage of colour curve control
diff --git a/src/blueshift_vidmode.pyx b/src/blueshift_vidmode.pyx
index c591db5..606310e 100644
--- a/src/blueshift_vidmode.pyx
+++ b/src/blueshift_vidmode.pyx
@@ -20,15 +20,46 @@ from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
cdef extern int blueshift_vidmode_open(int use_screen, char* display)
+Start stage of colour curve control
+@param use_screen The screen to use
+@param display The display to use, `NULL` for the current one
+@return Zero on error, otherwise the size of colours curves
cdef extern int blueshift_vidmode_read(int use_crtc,
unsigned short int* r_curve,
unsigned short int* g_curve,
unsigned short int* b_curve)
+Gets the current colour curves
+@param use_crtc The CRTC to use
+@param r_gamma Storage location for the red colour curve
+@param g_gamma Storage location for the green colour curve
+@param b_gamma Storage location for the blue colour curve
+@return Zero on success
cdef extern int blueshift_vidmode_apply(unsigned long long int use_crtcs,
unsigned short int* r_curve,
unsigned short int* g_curve,
unsigned short int* b_curve)
+Apply stage of colour curve control
+@param use_crtcs Mask of CRTC:s to use
+@param r_curve The red colour curve
+@param g_curve The green colour curve
+@param b_curve The blue colour curve
+@return Zero on success
cdef extern void blueshift_vidmode_close()
+Resource freeing stage of colour curve control