path: root/examples
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2 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/textconf b/examples/textconf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dcff6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/textconf
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# This example uses a text based configuration file to make
+# it easier for non-programmers to use Blueshift. It is however
+# rather limited, the lisp-esque example is a bit more complex
+# but do much more. It will # read a file with the same pathname
+# just with ‘.conf’ # appended (‘textconf.conf’ in this case.)
+# However, if the filename of this file ends with with ‘rc’,
+# that part will be removed, for example, if you rename this
+# script to ‘~/.blueshiftrc’ it will read ‘~/.blueshift.conf’
+# rather than ‘~/.blueshiftrc.conf’.
+# Copyright © 2014 Mattias Andrée (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import subprocess
+# Get the name of .conf file
+conf = '%s.conf' % (config_file[:-2] if config_file.endswith('rc') else config_file)
+# Read .conf file
+with open(conf, 'r') as file:
+ conf =
+# Parse .conf file
+sections = {'blueshift' : []}
+section = []
+for line in conf.split('\n'):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith('[') and line.startswith(']'):
+ section_name = line[1 : -1].strip().lower()
+ if section_name not in sections:
+ sections[section_name] = []
+ section = []
+ sections[section_name].append(section)
+ elif line.startswith(';') or line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ elif ('=' in line) or (':' in line):
+ eq = len(line) if '=' not in line else line.find('=')
+ cl = len(line) if ':' not in line else line.find(':')
+ eq = min(eq, cl)
+ section.append((line[:eq].strip().lower(), line[:eq + 1].strip()))
+ elif len(line.strip()) > 0:
+ sys.stderr.buffer.write(('Malformated line: %s' % line).encode('utf-8'))
+# Default values
+location = None
+adjustment_method_x = ['randr']
+adjustment_method_tty = ['drm']
+points = ['solar', '3', '-6']
+# List of adjustments and temporary monitor information
+adjustments = []
+monitors = []
+crtc = None
+screen = None
+card = None
+def parse_value(value):
+ '''
+ Parse a setting value
+ @param value:str The value to parse
+ @return :(list<str>, bool, bool, bool) The words in the value string, with commands spawned,
+ and with 'linear', 'cie' and 'default' filtered out,
+ and their
+ existance is put as booleans
+ '''
+ def spawn(cmd):
+ '''
+ Spawn an external process and read its output, but only the first line
+ @param cmd:str The command to spawn
+ @return :str? The first line of the command's output, `None` on failure
+ '''
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', cmd], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = sys.stderr)
+ output = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0]
+ if (proc.returncode == 0) and (len(output) > 0):
+ return output
+ return None
+ words, buf, cmd = [], '', None
+ for c in value:
+ if cmd is not None:
+ if cmd == '':
+ if c == '(':
+ cmd += '('
+ else:
+ cmd = None
+ buf += '$'
+ else:
+ cmd += c
+ if c == ')':
+ cmd = cmd[1 : -1]
+ cmd = spawn(cmd)
+ if cmd is not None:
+ buf = cmd
+ cmd = None
+ elif c == ' ':
+ if not buf == '':
+ words.append(buf)
+ buf = ''
+ elif c == '$':
+ cmd = ''
+ else:
+ buf += c
+ return ([w in w for words if w not in ['linear', 'cie', 'default']],
+ 'linear' in words, 'cie' in words, 'default' in words)
+# Evaluate .conf file
+def make_f(f, value, default):
+ '''
+ Make an adjustment function
+ @param f:(*¿V??)→void The function that makes the adjustment
+ @param value:list<¿V??> The values for each time point
+ @param default:list<¿V??> The default value
+ '''
+ ff = None
+ value_ = []
+ for val in value:
+ value_ += val
+ if any(map(lambda v : v if None, value_)) or (default is None):
+ def ff(t, a):
+ val0 = value[(int(t) + 0) % len(value)]
+ val1 = value[(int(t) + 1) % len(value)]
+ t %= 1
+ val = zip(val0, val1, default)
+ def interpol(v0, v1, d):
+ if (v0 is None) or (v1 is None) or (d is None):
+ if ( d is None) and a == 0: return None
+ if (v0 is None) and t == 0: return None
+ if (v1 is None) and t == 1: return None
+ v0 = v0 * (1 - t) if v0 is not None else 0
+ v1 = v1 * t if v1 is not None else 0
+ return v0 + v1
+ val = [interpol(v0, v1, d) for v0, v1, d in val]
+ f(*val)
+ else:
+ def ff(t, a):
+ val0 = value[(int(t) + 0) % len(value)]
+ val1 = value[(int(t) + 1) % len(value)]
+ t %= 1
+ val = zip(val0, val1, default)
+ val = [(v0 * (1 - t) + v1 * t) * a + (1 - a) * d for v0, v1, d in val]
+ f(*val)
+ return ff
+def float3(value):
+ '''
+ Parse a string representation of a float trio
+ @param value:str The float trio as a string
+ @return :[float?, float?, float?] The float trio as a float list
+ '''
+ value = [None if v == 'none' else float(v) for v in value.split(':')]
+ if len(value) < 3:
+ value *= 3
+ return value[:3]
+def float6(value):
+ '''
+ Parse a string representation of a float pair-trio
+ @param value:str The float pair-trio as a string
+ @return :[float?]*6 The float pair-trio as a float list
+ '''
+ (part1, part2) = [[float(v) for v in val.split(':')] for val in value.split('..')]
+ if len(part1) < 3: part1 *= 3
+ if len(part2) < 3: part2 *= 3
+ part1 = part1[:3]
+ part2 = part2[:3]
+ value = []
+ for p, q in zip(part1, part2):
+ value.append(p)
+ value.append(q)
+ return value
+def add_adjustments(section_name, adjustments):
+ '''
+ Add adjustions from a section to a list
+ @param sections:list<list<(str, str)>> The sections
+ @param adjustments:list<(float, float)→void> The list to fill with adjustments
+ '''
+ global location, points, adjustment_method_x, adjustment_method_tty, crtc, screen, card
+ for section in sections:
+ for (setting, value) in section:
+ (value, linear, cie, default) = parse_value(value)
+ new_adjustment = None
+ if linear:
+ adjustments.append(lambda _t, _a: linearise())
+ if setting == 'location': location = value
+ elif setting == 'points': points = value
+ elif setting == 'adjustment-method-x': adjustment_method_x = value
+ elif setting == 'adjustment-method-tty': adjustment_method_tty = value
+ elif setting == 'crtc': crtc = value
+ elif setting == 'screen': screen = value
+ elif setting == 'card': card = value
+ elif setting == 'temperature':
+ f = lambda x : temperature(x, lambda t : divide_by_maximum(cmf_10deg(t)))
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [[float(v)] for v in value], [6500])
+ elif setting == 'contrast':
+ f = cie_contrast if cie else rgb_contrast
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [float3(v) for v in value], 3 * [1])
+ elif setting == 'brightness':
+ f = cie_brightness if cie else rgb_brightness
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [float3(v) for v in value], 3 * [1])
+ elif setting == 'gamma':
+ def f(*levels):
+ clip()
+ gamma(*levels)
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [float3(v) for v in value], 3 * [1])
+ elif setting == 'negative':
+ def f(*values):
+ negative(*[not v == 0 for v in values])
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [float3(v) for v in value], 3 * [0])
+ elif setting == 'invert':
+ def f(*values):
+ (cie_invert if cie else rgb_invert)(*[not v == 0 for v in values])
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [float3(v) for v in value], 3 * [0])
+ elif setting == 'sigmoid':
+ new_adjustment = make_f(sigmoid, [float3(v) for v in value], 3 * [None])
+ elif setting == 'limits':
+ f = cie_limits if cie else rgb_limits
+ new_adjustment = make_f(f, [float6(v) for v in value], 3 * [0, 1])
+ elif setting == 'icc':
+ def noop():
+ pass
+ profiles = [noop if val == 'none' else load_load(val) for val in value]
+ new_adjustment = make_icc_interpolation(profiles)
+ elif setting == 'monitor':
+ add_adjustments(' '.join([monitor] + value), adjustments)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.buffer.write(('Setting not recognised: %s' % setting).encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stderr.buffer.flush()
+ if new_adjustment is not None:
+ if default:
+ new_adjustment_ = new_adjustment
+ def f(t, a):
+ new_adjustment_(t, 1)
+ new_adjustment = f
+ adjustments.append(new_adjustment)
+ if linear:
+ adjustments.append(lambda _t, _a: standardise())
+add_adjustments(sections['blueshift'], adjustments)
+adjustment_method = adjustment_method_tty if ttymode else adjustment_method_x
+adjustment_method = adjustment_method[0]
+for section in sections[adjustment_method]:
+ output_adjustments = []
+ crtc, screen, card = None, None, None
+ add_adjustments([section], output_adjustments)
+ monitors.append(crtc, screen, card, output_adjustments)
+# Get gamma adjustment/reader functions
+get_method = {'randr' : randr_get, 'vidmode' : vidmode_get, 'drm' : drm_get}
+set_method = {'randr' : randr, 'vidmode' : vidmode, 'drm' : drm }
+get_method = get_method[adjustment_method]
+set_method = set_method[adjustment_method]
+# Evaluate location
+if 'solar' in points:
+ if (location is None) or (len(location) == 0):
+ sys.stderr.buffer.write(('Location missing').encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stderr.buffer.flush()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ if not len(location) == 2:
+ raise Exception()
+ location = [float(c) for c in location]
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.buffer.write(('Malformation location').encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stderr.buffer.flush()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not ((-90 <= location[0] <= 90) and (-180 <= location[0] <= 180)):
+ sys.stderr.buffer.write(('Invalid location').encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stderr.buffer.flush()
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Evaluate point
+if ('solar' not in points) and ('time' not in points):
+ sys.stderr.buffer.write(('Invalid points settings').encode('utf-8'))
+ sys.stderr.buffer.flush()
+ sys.exit(1)
+reduce_points = 'reduce' in points
+solar_points = 'solar' in points
+def t(point):
+ point = [float(p) for p in point.split(':')]
+ while len(point) > 3:
+ point.append(0)
+ point = sum([v * 60 ** (2 - i) for i, v in enumerate(point)])
+points = [float(p) if solar_points else t(p) for p in points if p not in ['solar', 'time', 'point']]
+points = list(enumerate(points))
+if reduce_points:
+ n = len(points) - 1
+ points = [(r / n, v) for r, v in points]
+def periodically(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, fade):
+ '''
+ :(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float?)?→void Place holder for periodically invoked function
+ Invoked periodically
+ If you want to control at what to invoke this function next time
+ you can set the value of the global variable `wait_period` to the
+ number of seconds to wait before invoking this function again.
+ The value does not need to be an integer.
+ @param year:int The year
+ @param month:int The month, 1 = January, 12 = December
+ @param day:int The day, minimum value is 1, probable maximum value is 31 (*)
+ @param hour:int The hour, minimum value is 0, maximum value is 23
+ @param minute:int The minute, minimum value is 0, maximum value is 59
+ @param second:int The second, minimum value is 0, probable maximum value is 60 (**)
+ @param weekday:int The weekday, 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday
+ @param fade:float? Blueshift can use this function to fade into a state when it start
+ or exits. `fade` can either be negative, zero or positive or `None`,
+ but the magnitude of value cannot exceed 1. When Blueshift starts,
+ this function will be invoked multiple with the time parameters
+ of the time it is invoked and each time `fade` will increase towards
+ 1, starting at 0, when the value is 1, the settings should be applied
+ to 100 %. After this this function will be invoked once again with
+ `fade` being `None`. When Blueshift exits the same behaviour is used
+ except, `fade` decrease towards -1 but start slightly below 0, when
+ -1 is reached all settings should be normal. Then Blueshift will NOT
+ invoke this function with `fade` being `None`, instead it will by
+ itself revert all settings and quit.
+ (*) Can be exceeded if the calendar system is changed, like in 1712-(02)Feb-30
+ (**) See
+ '''
+ pass
+def reset():
+ '''
+ Invoked to reset the displays
+ '''
+ pass
diff --git a/examples/textconf.conf b/examples/textconf.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fdc26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/textconf.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+; Copyright © 2014 Mattias Andrée (
+; Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+; under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
+; or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+; along with this software package. If not, see <>.
+; Lines starting with either ; (semicolon) or # (pound) are comments.
+; Both = (equal sign) and : (colon) are valid key–value delimiters.
+temperature = 6500 3600
+contrast = 1
+contrast = 1:1:1 cie
+brightness = 1
+brightness = 1:1:1 cie
+gamma = 1:1:1
+negative = 1:1:1
+negative = 1
+invert = 1:1:1
+invert = 1:1:1 cie
+sigmoid = 4.5
+sigmoid = 4.5:none:4.5
+limits = 0:0:0..1:1:1
+limits = 0:0:0..1:1:1 cie
+;icc =
+;location =
+points = time 0:00 10:00 20:00 reduce
+adjustment-method-x = randr
+adjustment-method-tty = drm
+[monitor 0]
+gamma=1.16:1.15:1.11 default
+[monitor 1]
+gamma=1.10:1.16:1.10 default