path: root/examples/xpybar
blob: b9dc99f421bd0acfa4e96adf7334d065c3fb0cf7 (plain) (tree)

# -*- python -*-

# This example can be used in xpybar to display the
# Sun's elevation and to what degree it is day time.

# Geographical coodinates.
# (KTH building D computer laboratories in this example.)
latitude, longitude = 59.3472, 18.0728

# The colour temperature at day and at night.
temperature_day, temperature_night = 6500, 3700

# The visibility of the Sun.
dayness = sun(latitude, longitude)

# The Sun's elevation.
elevation = solar_elevation(latitude, longitude)

# Calculation of the whitepoint with adjusted colour temperature.
temperature_now = temperature_day * dayness + temperature_night * (1 - dayness)
whitepoint = divide_by_maximum(cmf_10deg(temperature_now))
whitepoint = [str(int(c * 255 + 0.5)) for c in whitepoint]
whitepoint = ';'.join(whitepoint)

# Print information.
print('\033[38;2;%sm%i\033[0mK %.1f° %.0f%%' % (whitepoint, int(temperature_now), elevation, int(dayness * 100)))