path: root/examples/threaded
blob: 7b37cce4f071d3ebcdef1bed96414c71afe6fc3d (plain) (tree)





# -*- python -*-

# This example demonstrates how you can make a
# multithreaded configurations script

import threading

# Geographical coodinates.
# (KTH building D computer laboratories in this example.)
latitude, longitude = 59.3472, 18.0728

# Adjust settings by solar elevation.
get_dayness = lambda : sun(latitude, longitude)

# Colour temperature at high day and high night, respectively.
temperature_day, temperature_night = [6500], [3700]

# Gamma of the monitors.
gamma_red   = [1.16, 1.10]
gamma_green = [1.15, 1.16]
gamma_blue  = [1.11, 1.10]

# Make colour curves thread local
class threadlocal:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.default = obj
        self.tmap = {}
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        t = threading.get_ident()
        if t not in self.tmap:
            self.tmap[t] = self.default[:]
        return self.tmap[t][i]
    def __len__(self):
        t = threading.get_ident()
        if t not in self.tmap:
            self.tmap[t] = self.default[:]
        return len(self.tmap[t])
    def __setitem__(self, i, x):
        t = threading.get_ident()
        if t not in self.tmap:
            self.tmap[t] = self.default[:]
        self.tmap[t][i] = x
    def __delitem__(self, i):
        t = threading.get_ident()
        if t not in self.tmap:
            self.tmap[t] = self.default[:]
        del self.tmap[t][x]

r_curve = threadlocal([i / (i_size - 1) for i in range(i_size)])
g_curve = threadlocal([i / (i_size - 1) for i in range(i_size)])
b_curve = threadlocal([i / (i_size - 1) for i in range(i_size)])

## cmf_10deg uses non-thread safe cache, run once in advance so it is not done by the threads

# Thread synchronisation barrier
barrier = threading.Barrier(len(gamma_red) + 1)

# Help functions for colour interpolation.
interpol, purify = None, None

# Parameters in `periodically`
fade_ = None

def adjust(m):
    Adjust monitor colours
    @param  m:int  The CRTC index
    while True:
        # Wait for start cue.
        # Calculate temperature.
        temperature_ = interpol(temperature_day, temperature_night)
        if fade_ is not None:
            temperature_ = purify(temperature_, 6500)
        # Remove settings from last run.
        # Apply colour temperature using raw CIE 1964 10 degree CMF data with interpolation.
        temperature(temperature_, lambda t : divide_by_maximum(cmf_10deg(t)))
        # Clip colour curves to fit [0, 1] to avoid errors by complex numbers.
        # Apply gamma correction to monitor.
        gamma(gamma_red[m], gamma_green[m], gamma_blue[m])
        # Flush settings to monitor.
        # Signal thread completion.

# Create threads.
for m in range(len(gamma_red)):
    thread = threading.Thread(target = adjust, args = (m,))

last_dayness = None
def periodically(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, fade):
    :(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float?)?→void  Place holder for periodically invoked function
    Invoked periodically
    If you want to control at what to invoke this function next time
    you can set the value of the global variable `wait_period` to the
    number of seconds to wait before invoking this function again.
    The value does not need to be an integer.
    @param   year:int     The year
    @param   month:int    The month, 1 = January, 12 = December
    @param   day:int      The day, minimum value is 1, probable maximum value is 31 (*)
    @param   hour:int     The hour, minimum value is 0, maximum value is 23
    @param   minute:int   The minute, minimum value is 0, maximum value is 59
    @param   second:int   The second, minimum value is 0, probable maximum value is 60 (**)
    @param   weekday:int  The weekday, 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday
    @param   fade:float?  Blueshift can use this function to fade into a state when it start
                          or exits. `fade` can either be negative, zero or positive or `None`,
                          but the magnitude of value cannot exceed 1. When Blueshift starts,
                          this function will be invoked multiple with the time parameters
                          of the time it is invoked and each time `fade` will increase towards
                          1, starting at 0, when the value is 1, the settings should be applied
                          to 100 %. After this this function will be invoked once again with
                          `fade` being `None`. When Blueshift exits the same behaviour is used
                          except, `fade` decrease towards -1 but start slightly below 0, when
                          -1 is reached all settings should be normal. Then Blueshift will NOT
                          invoke this function with `fade` being `None`, instead it will by
                          itself revert all settings and quit.
    (*)  Can be exceeded if the calendar system is changed, like in 1712-(02)Feb-30
    (**) See
    global last_dayness, wait_period, interpol, purify, fade_
    dayness = get_dayness()
    # Do not do unnecessary work.
    if fade is None:
        if dayness == last_dayness:
        last_dayness = dayness
    # Pass parameters to threads.
    fade_ = fade
    # Help functions for colour interpolation.
    interpol = lambda _day, _night : _day[m % len(_day)] * dayness + _night[m % len(_night)] * (1 - dayness)
    purify = lambda current, pure : current * abs(fade) + pure * (1 - abs(fade))
    # Signal all threads to start.
    # Wait for all threads.

def reset():
    Invoked to reset the displays
    for m in range(len(gamma_red)):
        # Remove settings from last run.
        # Apply gamma correction to monitor.
        gamma(gamma_red[m], gamma_green[m], gamma_blue[m])
        # Flush settings to monitor.

# Set transition time, 0 on high day and 5 seconds on high night.
fadein_time = 5 * (1 - get_dayness())
# Do 10 changes per second.
fadein_steps = fadein_time * 10

# Transition on exit in the same way, calculated on exit.
old_signal_SIGTERM = signal_SIGTERM
if 'SIGTERM' not in conf_storage:
    conf_storage['SIGTERM'] = old_signal_SIGTERM
    old_signal_SIGTERM = conf_storage['SIGTERM']
def signal_SIGTERM(signum, frame):
    global fadeout_time, fadeout_steps
    fadeout_time = 5 * (1 - get_dayness())
    fadeout_steps = fadeout_time * 10
    old_signal_SIGTERM(signum, frame)