# -*- python -*-
# This example identifies which monitors you have plugged
# in to the computer, and applied their proper calibration.
# The colour temperature to apply.
temp = 6500
# List all connected outputs.
outputs = list_screens().find_by_connected(True)
# Configure each monitor.
for output in outputs:
# Data that identifies the monitor.
monitor = (output.name, output.widthmm, output.heightmm)
# Default gamma settings.
r_gamma, g_gamma, b_gamma = 1, 1, 1
# Get the correct gamma settings for the monitor.
if monitor == ('DVI-0', 364, 291): r_gamma, g_gamma, b_gamma = 1.16, 1.15, 1.11
elif monitor == ('VGA-0', 364, 291): r_gamma, g_gamma, b_gamma = 1.10, 1.16, 1.10
print('Warning: unknown monitor at %s at size of %i mm by %i mm' % monitor)
# Perform adjustments.
temperature(temp, lambda t : divide_by_maximum(cmf_10deg(t)))
gamma(r_gamma, g_gamma, b_gamma)
# Apply adjustments.
randr(output.crtc, screen = output.screen)