.TH B2SUM 1 blakesum .SH NAME b2sum - Compute and check BLAKE2 message digests .SH SYNOPSIS .B b2sum [-l bits | -X bits] [-c | -B | -L | -U] [-sxz] .RI [ file "] ..." .SH DESCRIPTION Print or check BLAKE2 checksums, using BLAKE2b by default. .SH OPTIONS The .B b2sum utility conforms to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, .IR "Section 12.2" , .IR "Utility Syntax Guidelines" . .PP The following options are supported: .TP .B -B Output checksums in binary representation. This suppresses the filenames and checksum delimiters. Only the checksums are printed. .TP .B -c Read BLAKE2 sums from the file and check them against the files on your systems. The input files files should be formatted as the output of this program, or similarly. This is not going to work if any of the filenames in the input files starts with or , or if they contain a , unless the .B -z option is also used. .TP .B -L Output checksums in lower-case hexadecimal representation. (Default) .TP .BI "-l " bits Select output size, valid values are multiples of 8 between 8 and 512, inclusively, or if the .B -s option is used between 8 and 256, inclusively. (Default is maximum.) .TP .B -s Use BLAKE2s instead of BLAKE2b. .TP .B -U Output checksums in upper-case hexadecimal representation. .TP .BI "-X " bits Use BLAKE2Xb instead of BLAKE2b or BLAKE2Xs instead of BLAKE2s, and select the extended output function output length, in bits; must be a non-zero multiple of 8, and no greater than 34359738360 or (if the .B -s option is used) 524280. .TP .B -x Convert input files from hexadecimal form to binary form before calculating the checksums. .TP .B -z Lines end with NUL instead of LF. If used with .BR -c , this applies to read files (not the output), but it will also apply more strict parsing and allow any whitespace in file names. .SH OPERANDS The following operands are supported: .TP .I file File to read. The standard input will be used .B - or no .I file is specified. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 0 Successful completion. .TP 1 Checksums did not match or a file did not exist. .TP 2 An error occurred. .SH NOTES BLAKE2X has not been finalised as of 2022-02-20. .SH SEE ALSO .BR bsum (1)