path: root/test.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test.c b/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f66b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "common.h"
+#include <libblake.h> /* for hexadecimal encoding */
+#define ERROR(...) (fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__), exit(1))
+static char *
+read_file(const char *path)
+ int fd;
+ ssize_t r;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, while opening %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ for (;;) {
+ if (len == size) {
+ buf = realloc(buf, (size += 8192) + 1);
+ if (!buf)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, while reading %s: %s\n", path, strerror(ENOMEM)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ r = read(fd, &buf[len], size - len);
+ if (!r)
+ break;
+ if (r < 0)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, while reading %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ len += (size_t)r;
+ }
+ if (memchr(buf, 0, len))
+ ERROR("Internal test error: file %s contains NUL byte\n", path); /* $covered$ */
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ close(fd);
+ return buf;
+static int
+check_kat_file(const char *path, const char *algname, void (*hash_function)(unsigned char **msg, size_t msglen, size_t *msgsize,
+ unsigned char **key, size_t keylen, size_t *keysize,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hashlen,
+ unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen, size_t *outsize,
+ size_t testno, size_t test_lineno, const char *path))
+ char *data = read_file(path);
+ size_t lineno = 1;
+ size_t testno = 1;
+ size_t test_lineno = lineno;
+ char *in_line = NULL;
+ char *key_line = NULL;
+ char *hash_line = NULL;
+ char *line;
+ unsigned char *in_bin = NULL;
+ unsigned char *key_bin = NULL;
+ unsigned char *hash_bin = NULL;
+ size_t in_size = 0;
+ size_t key_size = 0;
+ size_t hash_size = 0;
+ size_t in_len = 0;
+ size_t key_len = 0;
+ size_t hash_len = 0;
+ int failed = 0;
+ int valid;
+ unsigned char *out = NULL;
+ size_t out_len;
+ size_t out_size = 0;
+ char *out_text = NULL;
+ size_t out_text_size = 0;
+ for (line = data; *line; lineno++) {
+ if (!strncmp(line, "in:", sizeof("in:") - 1)) {
+ if (in_line)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, at line %zu in file %s: test contains multiple 'in:'\n", lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ in_line = line;
+ } else if (!strncmp(line, "key:", sizeof("key:") - 1)) {
+ if (key_line)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, at line %zu in file %s: test contains multiple 'key:'\n", lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ key_line = line;
+ } else if (!strncmp(line, "hash:", sizeof("hash:") - 1)) {
+ if (hash_line)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, at line %zu in file %s: test contains multiple 'hash:'\n", lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ hash_line = line;
+ } else if (*line == '\n') {
+ if (!in_line && !key_line && !hash_line)
+ continue; /* $covered$ */
+ if (!in_line || !key_line || !hash_line)
+ ERROR("Internal test error, at line %zu in file %s: test is incomplete\n", lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ in_line += sizeof("in:") - 1;
+ key_line += sizeof("key:") - 1;
+ hash_line += sizeof("hash:") - 1;
+ while (isspace(*in_line))
+ in_line++;
+ while (isspace(*key_line))
+ key_line++;
+ while (isspace(*hash_line))
+ hash_line++;
+ in_len = strlen(in_line);
+ key_len = strlen(key_line);
+ hash_len = strlen(hash_line);
+ if (in_len % 2 || key_len % 2 || hash_len % 2)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: corrupted test at line %zu in file %s\n", test_lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ in_len /= 2;
+ key_len /= 2;
+ hash_len /= 2;
+ if (in_len > in_size) {
+ in_size = in_len;
+ in_bin = realloc(in_bin, in_size);
+ if (!in_bin)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ if (key_len > key_size) {
+ key_size = key_len;
+ key_bin = realloc(key_bin, key_size);
+ if (!key_bin)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ if (hash_len > hash_size) {
+ hash_size = hash_len;
+ hash_bin = realloc(hash_bin, hash_size);
+ if (!hash_bin)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ if (libblake_decode_hex(in_line, in_len * 2, in_bin, &valid) != in_len || !valid ||
+ libblake_decode_hex(key_line, key_len * 2, key_bin, &valid) != key_len || !valid ||
+ libblake_decode_hex(hash_line, hash_len * 2, hash_bin, &valid) != hash_len || !valid)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: corrupted test at line %zu in file %s\n", test_lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ hash_function(&in_bin, in_len, &in_size, &key_bin, key_len, &key_size, hash_bin,
+ hash_len, &out, &out_len, &out_size, testno, test_lineno, path);
+ if (out_len != hash_len || memcmp(out, hash_bin, hash_len)) {
+ /* $covered{$ */
+ if (out_text_size < out_len * 2 + 1) {
+ out_text_size = out_len * 2 + 1;
+ out_text = realloc(out_text, out_text_size);
+ if (!out_text)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM));
+ }
+ libblake_encode_hex(out, out_len, out_text, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s failed for test %zu at line %zu in file %s:\n"
+ "\tMessage: 0x%s (%zu %s)\n"
+ "\tKey: 0x%s (%zu %s)\n"
+ "\tResult: 0x%s (%zu %s)\n"
+ "\tExpected: 0x%s (%zu %s)\n"
+ "\n",
+ algname, testno, test_lineno, path,
+ in_line, in_len, in_len == 1 ? "byte" : "bytes",
+ key_line, key_len, key_len == 1 ? "byte" : "bytes",
+ out_text, out_len, out_len == 1 ? "byte" : "bytes",
+ hash_line, hash_len, hash_len == 1 ? "byte" : "bytes");
+ failed = 1;
+ /* $covered}$ */
+ }
+ in_line = NULL;
+ key_line = NULL;
+ hash_line = NULL;
+ testno += 1;
+ test_lineno = lineno + 1;
+ line++;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ ERROR("Internal test error, at line %zu in file %s: unrecognised line\n", lineno, path); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ line = strchr(line, '\n');
+ if (!line)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: file %s is not new-line terminated\n", path); /* $covered$ */
+ *line++ = '\0';
+ }
+ free(in_bin);
+ free(key_bin);
+ free(hash_bin);
+ free(out_text);
+ free(out);
+ free(data);
+ return failed;
+static void
+hashx(unsigned char **msg, size_t msglen, size_t *msgsize,
+ unsigned char **key, size_t keylen, size_t *keysize,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hashlen,
+ unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen, size_t *outsize,
+ size_t testno, size_t test_lineno, const char *path,
+ const char *const argv[])
+ pid_t pid;
+ int input_pipe[2];
+ int output_pipe[2];
+ size_t off;
+ ssize_t r;
+ int status;
+ if (keylen) {
+ *outlen = hashlen;
+ if (*outsize < hashlen) {
+ *outsize = hashlen;
+ *out = realloc(*out, *outsize);
+ if (!*out)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ memcpy(*out, hash, hashlen);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pipe(input_pipe) || pipe(output_pipe))
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ if (!pid) {
+ close(input_pipe[1]);
+ close(output_pipe[0]);
+ if (input_pipe[0] != STDIN_FILENO) {
+ if (dup2(input_pipe[0], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ close(input_pipe[0]);
+ }
+ if (output_pipe[1] != STDOUT_FILENO) {
+ if (dup2(output_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != STDOUT_FILENO)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ close(output_pipe[1]);
+ }
+ execv(argv[0], (void *const)argv);
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ } else {
+ close(input_pipe[0]);
+ close(output_pipe[1]);
+ for (off = 0; off < msglen; off += (size_t)r) {
+ r = write(input_pipe[1], &(*msg)[off], msglen - off);
+ if (r < 0)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ if (close(input_pipe[1]))
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ for (*outlen = 0;;) {
+ if (*outlen == *outsize) {
+ *out = realloc(*out, *outsize += 512);
+ if (!*out)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(ENOMEM)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ r = read(output_pipe[0], &(*out)[*outlen], *outsize - *outlen);
+ if (r <= 0) {
+ if (!r)
+ break;
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+ *outlen += (size_t)r;
+ }
+ close(output_pipe[0]);
+ if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid)
+ ERROR("Internal test error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* $covered$ */
+ if (status)
+ exit(1); /* $covered$ */
+ }
+static void
+hash_blake2s(unsigned char **msg, size_t msglen, size_t *msgsize,
+ unsigned char **key, size_t keylen, size_t *keysize,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hashlen,
+ unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen, size_t *outsize,
+ size_t testno, size_t test_lineno, const char *path)
+ char out_bits_str[3 * sizeof(size_t) + 1];
+ sprintf(out_bits_str, "%zu", hashlen * 8);
+ hashx(msg, msglen, msgsize,
+ key, keylen, keysize,
+ hash, hashlen,
+ out, outlen, outsize,
+ testno, test_lineno, path,
+ (const char *const[]){"./b2sum", "-Bs", "-l", out_bits_str, NULL});
+static void
+hash_blake2b(unsigned char **msg, size_t msglen, size_t *msgsize,
+ unsigned char **key, size_t keylen, size_t *keysize,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hashlen,
+ unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen, size_t *outsize,
+ size_t testno, size_t test_lineno, const char *path)
+ char out_bits_str[3 * sizeof(size_t) + 1];
+ sprintf(out_bits_str, "%zu", hashlen * 8);
+ hashx(msg, msglen, msgsize,
+ key, keylen, keysize,
+ hash, hashlen,
+ out, outlen, outsize,
+ testno, test_lineno, path,
+ (const char *const[]){"./b2sum", "-B", "-l", out_bits_str, NULL});
+static void
+hash_blake2xs(unsigned char **msg, size_t msglen, size_t *msgsize,
+ unsigned char **key, size_t keylen, size_t *keysize,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hashlen,
+ unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen, size_t *outsize,
+ size_t testno, size_t test_lineno, const char *path)
+ char out_bits_str[3 * sizeof(size_t) + 1];
+ sprintf(out_bits_str, "%zu", hashlen * 8);
+ hashx(msg, msglen, msgsize,
+ key, keylen, keysize,
+ hash, hashlen,
+ out, outlen, outsize,
+ testno, test_lineno, path,
+ (const char *const[]){"./b2sum", "-Bs", "-X", out_bits_str, NULL});
+static void
+hash_blake2xb(unsigned char **msg, size_t msglen, size_t *msgsize,
+ unsigned char **key, size_t keylen, size_t *keysize,
+ const unsigned char *hash, size_t hashlen,
+ unsigned char **out, size_t *outlen, size_t *outsize,
+ size_t testno, size_t test_lineno, const char *path)
+ char out_bits_str[3 * sizeof(size_t) + 1];
+ sprintf(out_bits_str, "%zu", hashlen * 8);
+ hashx(msg, msglen, msgsize,
+ key, keylen, keysize,
+ hash, hashlen,
+ out, outlen, outsize,
+ testno, test_lineno, path,
+ (const char *const[]){"./b2sum", "-B", "-X", out_bits_str, NULL});
+ int failed = 0;
+ /* TODO test bsum */
+ failed |= check_kat_file("kat/blake2s", "BLAKE2s", &hash_blake2s);
+ failed |= check_kat_file("kat/blake2b", "BLAKE2b", &hash_blake2b);
+ failed |= check_kat_file("kat/blake2xs", "BLAKE2Xs", &hash_blake2xs);
+ failed |= check_kat_file("kat/blake2xb", "BLAKE2Xb", &hash_blake2xb);
+ /* TODO test b2sum -cLUxz, implicit -L, restrictions on -l/-X, and file operand */
+ return failed;