.TH BFIND 1 bfind .SH NAME bfind - minimalitic find using breadth-first crawling .SH SYNOPSIS .BR bfind [-0hsvx] .RI [ directory ] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR bfind is a minimalistic alternative to .BR find (1) that is designed to be efficient that locating files. To accomplish this, .BR bfind uses breadth-first crawling instead of depth-first crawling. .PP .BR bfind is only includes the bare minimum, a few options for restricting the crawlspace and an option to output visited files in a safe format rather than a human-friendly format. .BR bfind will never include all features of .BR find (1) because they are excessive and some other than makes not since to have in the program and can be outright dangerous. .SH OPTIONS The .B bfind utility conforms to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, .IR "Section 12.2" , .IR "Utility Syntax Guidelines" . .PP The following options are supported: .TP .BR \-0 Terminate lines with NUL rather than LF. .TP .BR \-h Watch out for hardlinked directories. .TP .BR \-s Visit symbolically linked directories, but never visit the same directory twice. .TP .BR \-v No files starting with a dot will be listed. .TP .BR \-x Do not restrict crawling to one mount point. .SH OPERANDS The following operand is supported: .TP .I directory The directory to crawl. If not specified, the current working directory is crawled. .SH STDIN Not used. .SH INPUT FILES .I directory may be of any type. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES No environment variables affects the execution of .BR bfind . .SH ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS Default. .SH STDOUT The .B bfind utility prints all visited files to the standard output. .SH STDERR The standard error is only used for diagnostic messages. .SH OUTPUT FILES None. .SH EXTENDED DESCRIPTION None. .SH EXIT STATUS The .B bfind utility exits with one of the following statuses: .TP 0 Successful. .TP 1 On error, including missing permissions to crawl a directory. .SH RATIONALE While .BR bfind is not as fast as .BR find (1) for large hierarchies, it will probably give your results faster if you are looking for a file (rather than listing files), because the file you are looking for is probably near the directory you are searching from. .SH SEE ALSO .BR find (1), .BR grep (1)