Minimalitic `find` using breadth first crawling. The entire invocation syntax is: bfind [--xdev] [--hardlinks] [--symlinks] \ [--visible] [--print0] [--] DIRECTORY With --xdev crawling will not be restricted to one mount point. With --hardlinks bfind will be hardlink aware on directories. With --symlinks bfind will visit directories symlinks points, and directories will never be revisited. Visited directories will be memorised by absolute real path name. With --visible no files starting with a dot will be listed. With --print0 a NUL (\0) character will be printed at end of file names rather than a LF (\n). Short option alternatives: -x --xdev -h --hardlinks -s --symlinks -v --visible -0 --print0 Short options can be combined Each link will always start with DIRECTORY. Why bfind? While bfind is not as fast as find*, it will probably give your results faster if you are looking for a file (not list files), becuase the file you are looking for is probably near the directory you are searching from. * For large hierarchies.