
if test -z "$PATCH"; then
if test -z "$FORCE_PATCH"; then

cd -- "$(dirname "$0")"

if test $# = 0; then
	env LABEL=1: ./__test
	env LABEL=2: SUFFIX=-l ./__test
	env LABEL=3: SUFFIX=-l ./__test lflag
	env LABEL=4: OLDFILE=new NEWFILE=old SKIPE=x SUFFIX=-R ./__test
	env LABEL=5: OLDFILE=new NEWFILE=old SKIPE=x SUFFIX=-Rl ./__test
	env LABEL=6: OLDFILE=new NEWFILE=old SKIPE=x SUFFIX=-Rl ./__test lflag
	env LABEL=7: CGARBAGE=2 UGARBAGE=2 EGARBAGE=2 SUFFIX=-n ./__test 2> /dev/null
	env LABEL=8: CGARBAGE=2 NGARBAGE=2 EGARBAGE=2 SUFFIX=-u ./__test 2> /dev/null
	env LABEL=9: UGARBAGE=2 NGARBAGE=2 EGARBAGE=2 SUFFIX=-c ./__test 2> /dev/null
	env LABEL=9: CGARBAGE=2 UGARBAGE=2 NGARBAGE=2 SUFFIX=-e ./__test 2> /dev/null
	env LABEL=10: IFLAG=x ./__test
	env LABEL=11: SUFFIX=-N ./__test
	env LABEL=12: SUFFIX=-r/dev/null ./__test
	env LABEL=13: SUFFIX=-r/dev/null ./__test fuzzy applied ed ed_i
	env LABEL=14: SUFFIX=-Nr/dev/null ./__test fuzzy applied
	env LABEL=-Dx: SUFFIX=-Dx NPE=x NEWFILE=def ./__test
) | tee result1

report ()
	if test $1 = 0; then
		printf "\033[1;32mTest %s OK\033[m\n" "$2"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest %s FAILED\033[m\n" "$2"

report_np ()
	if test $1 = 0; then
		printf "\033[1;32mTest %s OK (NON-POSIX)\033[m\n" "$2"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest %s FAILED (NON-POSIX)\033[m\n" "$2"

reversed_q ()
	cd 20
	printf "\033[1;34mPlease answer 'y' to the question.\033[m\n" >&2
	diff <($p -o- new < patch) old > /dev/null
	report $? "reversed_q"
	cd ..

garbage ()
	cd 20
	< patch sed 's/^/ /' | $p -o- old > /dev/null 2> tmp
	test $? -gt 1 && grep 'contains only garbage' < tmp > /dev/null
	report $? "garbage"
	rm tmp
	cd ..

dryrun_1 ()
	cd 20
	$p -o/dev/null old < patch
	report $? "dryrun_1"
	cd ..

dryrun_2 ()
	cd 20
	$fp -o/dev/null old < patch
	report $? "dryrun_2"
	cd ..

dryrun_3 ()
	cd 20
	$fp -o/dev/null new < patch 2> /dev/null
	test $? = 1
	report $? "dryrun_3"
	cd ..

bflag ()
	cd 20
	if test -f tmp.orig; then
		rm tmp.orig
	if test -f old.orig; then
		rm old.orig
	echo 'this fill should already exist' > tmp
	$p -b -otmp old < patch
	test $? = 0 && test ! -f old.orig && test -f tmp.orig && diff old tmp.orig > /dev/null
	report $? "bflag"
	touch old.orig tmp.orig
	rm old.orig tmp.orig tmp
	cd ..

bflag_oflagless ()
	cd 20
	if test -f old.orig; then
		rm old.orig
	cp old tmp
	$p -b old < patch
	test $? = 0 && test -f old.orig && diff tmp old.orig > /dev/null
	report $? "bflag_oflagless"
	if test -f old.orig; then
		rm old.orig
	mv tmp old
	cd ..

bflag_dry ()
	cd 20
	$p -b -o/dev/null old < patch
	test $? = 0 && test ! -f old.orig
	report $? "bflag_dry"
	if test -f old.orig; then
		rm old.orig
	cd ..

dash_file ()
	cd 20
	diff <($p -o- -ipatch - < old) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_file"
	cd ..

det_file_1a ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1a -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1a -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_1b ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	mv new new.proper
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new.proper > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1b -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new.proper > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1b -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_2 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	rm old
	diff <($fp -o/dev/null < patch-u 2> /dev/null) new > /dev/null
	test $? = 1
	report $? "det_file_2 -u"
	diff <($fp -o/dev/null < patch-c 2> /dev/null) new > /dev/null
	test $? = 1
	report $? "det_file_2 -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_3 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'Index: old.proper' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	mv old old.proper
	mv new new.proper
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new.proper > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_3 -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new.proper > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_3 -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_1a_3 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'Index: phony' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1a_3 -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1a_3 -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_dl ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'diff a a a a a a a a old.proper new.proper' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	mv old old.proper
	mv new new.proper
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_dl1 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'diff a a a a a a a a old.proper new' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	mv old old.proper
	mv new new.proper
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl1 -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl1 -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_dl2 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'diff a a a a a a a a new old.proper' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	mv old old.proper
	mv new new.proper
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl2 -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl2 -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_1a_dl ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'diff a a a a a a a phony phony' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1a_dl -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_1a_dl -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_dl_3 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	echo 'diff a a a a a a a a old.proper new.proper' | tee patch-u > patch-c
	echo 'Index: x' >> patch-u
	echo 'Index: x' >> patch-c
	diff -u old new >> patch-u
	diff -c old new >> patch-c
	mv old old.proper
	mv new new.proper
	echo x > x
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-u) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl_3 -u"
	diff <($fp -o- < patch-c) new.proper > /dev/null
	report_np $? "det_file_dl_3 -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

det_file_5 ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff old new > patch
	printf "\033[1;34mPlease answer 'old' to the question.\033[m\n" >&2
	diff <($p -o- < patch) new > /dev/null
	report $? "det_file_5"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

oflagless ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff old new > patch-u
	$p old < patch-u
	diff old new > /dev/null
	report $? "oflagless -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	mkdir d
	mv old new d
	diff <($p -dd -o- < patch-u) d/new > /dev/null
	report $? "dflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

diflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	mkdir d
	mv old new d
	diff <($p -dd -o- -ipatch-u) d/new > /dev/null
	report $? "diflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pflagless ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/d
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > d/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > d/new
	diff -u d/old d/new > patch-u
	mv d/old d/new .
	diff <($p -o- < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "pflagless -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

p0flag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	diff <($p -p0 -o- < patch-u) a/b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "p0flag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

p1flag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new b/c
	diff <($p -p1 -o- < patch-u) b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "p1flag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

p2flag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new c
	diff <($p -p2 -o- < patch-u) c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "p2flag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

p1flag_slash ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	sed -i s:a/b/c:///a//b//c:g patch-u
	diff <($p -p1 -o- < patch-u) a/b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "p1flag_slash -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pdflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/d/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new d/b/c
	diff <($p -p1 -dd -o- < patch-u) d/b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pdflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

multipatch ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old-1
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new-1
	printf '%s\n' a b c d e > old-2
	printf '%s\n' a b c @ d e > new-2

	diff -u old-1 new-1 > patch-uc
	diff -c old-2 new-2 >> patch-uc

	echo 'Index: old-1' > patch-e
	diff -e old-1 new-1 >> patch-e
	echo 'Index: old-2' >> patch-e
	diff -e old-2 new-2 >> patch-e

	echo 'Index: old-1' > patch
	diff old-1 new-1 >> patch
	echo 'Index: old-2' >> patch
	diff old-2 new-2 >> patch

	cp old-1 1 && cp old-2 2
	$p < patch-uc && diff old-1 new-1 > /dev/null && diff old-2 new-2 > /dev/null
	report $? "multipatch -uc"
	cp 1 old-1 && cp 2 old-2
	$p < patch-e && diff old-1 new-1 > /dev/null && diff old-2 new-2 > /dev/null
	report $? "multipatch -e"
	cp 1 old-1 && cp 2 old-2
	$p < patch && diff old-1 new-1 > /dev/null && diff old-2 new-2 > /dev/null
	report $? "multipatch"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

multipatch_oflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old-1
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new-1
	printf '%s\n' a b c d e > old-2
	printf '%s\n' a b c @ d e > new-2
	diff -u old-1 new-1 > patch
	diff -c old-2 new-2 >> patch
	diff <($p -o- < patch) <(cat new-1 new-2) > /dev/null
	report $? "multipatch_oflag -uc"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

reppatch ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > b
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 y > c

	diff -u a b > patch-uc
	diff -c b c >> patch-uc

	diff -e a b > patch-e
	echo '%%%%%%%%%%%%%' >> patch-e
	diff -e b c >> patch-e

	diff a b > patch
	echo '%%%%%%%%%%%%%' >> patch
	diff b c >> patch

	cp a a.saved
	$p a < patch-uc && diff a c > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch -uc"
	cp a.saved a
	$p a < patch-e && diff a c > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch -e"
	cp a.saved a
	$p a < patch && diff a c > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

reppatch_oflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > b
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 y > c
	diff -u a b > patch
	diff -c b c >> patch
	diff <($p -o- a < patch) <(cat b c) > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_oflag -uc"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

reppatch_bflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a
	cp a a.saved
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > b
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 y > c
	diff -u a b > patch
	diff -c b c >> patch
	$p -b a < patch
	diff a c > /dev/null && test -f a.orig && diff a.orig a.saved  > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_bflag -uc"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

multipatch_bflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old-1
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new-1
	printf '%s\n' a b c d e > old-2
	printf '%s\n' a b c @ d e > new-2
	cp old-1 old-1.saved
	cp old-2 old-2.saved
	diff -u old-1 new-1 > patch
	diff -c old-2 new-2 >> patch
	$p -b < patch
	diff old-1 new-1 > /dev/null && diff old-2 new-2 > /dev/null && \
	    test -f old-1.orig && diff old-1.orig old-1.saved > /dev/null && \
	    test -f old-2.orig && diff old-2.orig old-2.saved > /dev/null
	report $? "multipatch_bflag -uc"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

rflag_uflagless ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	echo 'this shall be overridden' > rej
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o/dev/null -rrej file < patch-c 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "rflag_uflagless -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

ruflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	echo 'this shall be overridden' > rej
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	($fp -U -o/dev/null -rrej file < patch-u 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < rej) new > /dev/null
	report_np $? "ruflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

rflagless ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	echo 'this shall be overridden' > file.rej
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp file < patch-c 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < file.rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "rflagless -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_r ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o/dev/null -r- file < patch-c 2> /dev/null > rej ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_r -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_r_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o/dev/null -r- -ipatch-c - < file 2> /dev/null > rej ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_r_file -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_io ()
	cd 20
	diff <($p -o- -i- old < patch) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_io -c"
	cd ..

dash_ri ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o/dev/null -r- -i- file < patch-c 2> /dev/null > rej ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_ri -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_o_file ()
	cd 20
	diff <($p -o- -ipatch - < old) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_o_file -c"
	cd ..

dash_rio ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o- -r- -i- file < patch-c > output 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <(tail -n "$(wc -l < file)" < output) file > /dev/null &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < output) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_rio -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_ro_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o- -r- -ipatch-c - < file > output 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <(tail -n "$(wc -l < file)" < output) file > /dev/null &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < output) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_ro_file -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

rej_dash_io ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o- -i- file < patch-c > output 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff output file > /dev/null &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < -.rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "rej_dash_io -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

rej_dash_o_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -o- -ipatch-c - < file > output 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff output file > /dev/null &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < -.rej) new > /dev/null
	report $? "rej_dash_o_file -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_o_append ()
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	echo 'this shall be preserved' > output
	$fp -o- old < patch >> output
	sed -i 1d output
	diff output new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_o_append"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dash_o_truncate ()
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	echo 'this shall be overridden' > output
	$fp -o- old < patch > output
	diff output new > /dev/null
	report $? "dash_o_truncate"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

stdout_o_append ()
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	echo 'this shall be preserved' > output
	$fp -o/dev/fd/1 old < patch >> output
	sed -i 1d output
	diff output new > /dev/null
	report $? "stdout_o_truncate"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

bflag_dash_rio ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -b -o- -r- -i- file < patch-c > output 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <(tail -n "$(wc -l < file)" < output) file > /dev/null &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < output) new > /dev/null &&
	    test ! -f file.orig && test ! -f ./-.orig > /dev/null
	report $? "bflag_dash_rio -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

bflag_dash_ro_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n'   1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 r > old
	printf '%s\n' A 1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > new
	printf '%s\n'   1 2 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xx 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   > file
	diff -c old new > patch-c
	($fp -b -o- -r- -ipatch-c - < file > output 2> /dev/null ; test $? = 1) &&
	    diff <(tail -n "$(wc -l < file)" < output) file > /dev/null &&
	    diff <($p -o - old < output) new > /dev/null &&
	    test ! -f ./-.orig > /dev/null
	report $? "bflag_ro_file -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

symlink ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	mv old old.proper
	ln -s old.proper old
	$p old < patch &&
	    diff old.proper new > /dev/null &&
	    diff old new > /dev/null
	test $? = 0 && test -L old
	report $? "symlink"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

mode ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	chmod 777 old
	$p old < patch &&
	    diff old new > /dev/null &&
	    test $(stat old | grep Access | grep -Po '\([0-8]*/' | sed -e 's/^.//' -e 's/.$//') = 0777
	report $? "mode"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

reppatch_ndef ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r reppatch_def tmp
	cd tmp
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-u && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -u"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-u0 && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -U0"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-u1 && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -U1"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-c && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -c"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-c0 && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -C0"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-c1 && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -C1"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch-e && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef -e"
	cp old tmp
	$p tmp < patch && diff tmp new > /dev/null
	report $? "reppatch_ndef"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

reppatch_def ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r reppatch_def tmp
	cd tmp
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-u
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -u OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -u ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -u FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -u FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-u0
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -U0 OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -U0 ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -U0 FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -U0 FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-u1
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -U1 OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -U1 ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -U1 FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -U1 FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-c
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -c OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -c ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -c FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -c FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-c0
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -C0 OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -C0 ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -C0 FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -C0 FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-c1
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -C1 OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -C1 ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -C1 FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -C1 FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch-e
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def -e OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def -e ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -e FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def -e FAILED\033[m\n"
	cp old tmp
	$p -Dx tmp < patch
	if test $? = 0; then
		if diff tmp def > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;32mTest reppatch_def OK\033[m\n"
		elif diff tmp def.alt1 > /dev/null || diff tmp def.alt2 > /dev/null; then
			printf "\033[1;33mTest reppatch_def ACCEPTABLE\033[m\n"
			printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def FAILED\033[m\n"
		printf "\033[1;31mTest reppatch_def FAILED\033[m\n"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

def_excl ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 x 2 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	printf '%s\n' 1 '#ifndef x' x '#endif' 2 > new
	$p -D\!x old < patch-u && diff old new > /dev/null
	report_np $? "def_excl -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

def_zero ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 x 2 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	printf '%s\n' 1 '#if 0' x '#endif' 2 > new
	$p -D0 old < patch-u && diff old new > /dev/null
	report_np $? "def_zero -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

def_one ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 x 2 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	printf '%s\n' 1 '#if 1' x '#endif' 2 > new
	$p -D1 old < patch-u && diff old new > /dev/null
	report_np $? "def_one -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

def_excl_one ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 x 2 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	printf '%s\n' 1 '#if 0' x '#endif' 2 > new
	$p -D\!1 old < patch-u && diff old new > /dev/null
	report_np $? "def_excl_one -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

rej_multipatch ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old-1
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new-1
	printf '%s\n' a b c d e > old-2
	printf '%s\n' a b c @ d e > new-2
	diff -c old-1 new-1 > patch-c
	diff -c old-2 new-2 >> patch-c
	mv old-1 old1.saved
	mv old-2 old2.saved
	cat > rej-1 <<EOF
*** 1,5
--- 1,6
+ x
	cat > rej-2 <<EOF
*** 1,5
--- 1,6
+ @
	$fp < patch-c 2> /dev/null
	test $? = 1 && test -f new-1.rej && test -f new-2.rej &&
	   diff <(sed -e 's/ \*\*\*\*$//' -e 's/ ----$//' < new-1.rej | sed 1,2d) rej-1 >/dev/null &&
	   diff <(sed -e 's/ \*\*\*\*$//' -e 's/ ----$//' < new-2.rej | sed 1,2d) rej-2 >/dev/null
	report $? "multipatch -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

doflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	mkdir d
	mv old new d
	$p -dd -otmp < patch-u && diff tmp d/new > /dev/null
	report $? "doflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dioflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir tmp
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	mkdir d
	mv old new d
	$p -dd -otmp -ipatch-u && diff tmp d/new > /dev/null
	report $? "dioflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

piflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new b/c
	diff <($p -p1 -o- -ipatch-u) b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "piflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

poflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new b/c
	$p -p1 -otmp < patch-u && diff tmp b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "poflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pioflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new b/c
	$p -p1 -otmp -ipatch-u && diff tmp b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pioflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pdiflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/d/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new d/b/c
	diff <($p -p1 -dd -o- -ipatch-u) d/b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pdiflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pdioflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/d/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new d/b/c
	$p -p1 -dd -otmp -ipatch-u && diff tmp d/b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pdioflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pdoflag ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/d/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new d/b/c
	$p -p1 -dd -otmp < patch-u && diff tmp d/b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pdoflag -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pdflag_absolute ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/xx
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u -- "$(realpath old)" "$(realpath new)" > patch-u
	diff <($fp -dxx -p0 -o- < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "pdflag_absolute -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

explicit_absolute ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/xx
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u -- "$(realpath old)" "$(realpath new)" > patch-u
	diff <($fp -d/ -p1 -o- < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "explicit_absolute -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pflag_excess ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new .
	$fp -p1000 -o- < patch-u > /dev/null
	test $? -gt 1
	report $? "pflag_excess -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pflag_excess_one ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/old a/b/c/new .
	$p -R -p3 -o- new < patch-u > tmp
	test $? = 0 && diff tmp old > /dev/null
	report $? "pflag_excess_one -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pflag_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new b/c
	diff <($p -p3 -o- b/c/old < patch-u) b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pflag_file -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

dflag_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/xx
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > new
	diff -u old new > patch-u
	diff <($p -dxx -o- old < patch-u) new > /dev/null
	report $? "dflag_file -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

pdflag_file ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c tmp/b/c tmp/xx
	cd tmp
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 4 5 > a/b/c/old
	printf '%s\n' 1 2 3 x 4 5 > a/b/c/new
	diff -u a/b/c/old a/b/c/new > patch-u
	mv a/b/c/old a/b/c/new b/c
	diff <($p -dxx -p3 -o- b/c/old < patch-u) b/c/new > /dev/null
	report $? "pdflag_file -u"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

nonascii_name ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	mv new new.saved
	cp old old.saved
	mv old åäö
	sed -i 's/old/åäö/' patch-u
	sed -i 's/old/åäö/' patch-c
	$p < patch-u > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "nonascii_name -u"
	cp old.saved åäö
	$p < patch-c > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "nonascii_name -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

nonascii_name_indexline ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	mv patch tmp
	echo 'Index: åäö' > patch
	cat tmp >> patch
	mv old åäö
	mv new new.saved
	$p < patch > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "nonascii_name_indexline"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

quoted_name ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	cp old old.saved
	mv old åäö
	diff -u åäö new > patch-u
	diff -c åäö new > patch-c
	mv new new.saved
	$p < patch-u > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "quoted_name -u"
	cp old.saved åäö
	$p < patch-c > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "quoted_name -c"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

quoted_name_indexline ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	mv patch tmp
	echo 'Index: "\303\245\303\244\303\266"' > patch
	cat tmp >> patch
	mv old åäö
	mv new new.saved
	$p < patch > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "quoted_name_indexline"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

quoted_name_diffline ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	mv patch tmp
	echo 'diff '\'' x x '\'' "\303\245\303\244\303\266" new' > patch
	cat tmp >> patch
	mv old åäö
	mv new new.saved
	$p < patch > /dev/null && diff åäö new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "quoted_name_diffline"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

quote_format ()
	if test -d tmp; then
		rm -r tmp
	cp -r 20 tmp
	cd tmp
	mv patch tmp
	name="$(printf "${cname}")"
	echo 'Index: "'"${cname}"'"' > patch
	cat tmp >> patch
	mv old "${name}"
	mv new new.saved
	$p < patch > /dev/null && diff "${name}" new.saved > /dev/null
	report_np $? "quote_format"
	cd ..
	rm -r tmp

if test $# = 0; then
	set reversed_q garbage dryrun_1 dryrun_2 dryrun_3 bflag dash_file det_file_1a det_file_1b \
	    det_file_2 det_file_3 det_file_1a_3 det_file_dl det_file_dl1 det_file_dl2 det_file_1a_dl \
	    det_file_dl_3 det_file_5 oflagless dflag diflag pflagless p0flag p1flag p2flag p1flag_slash \
	    pdflag multipatch multipatch_oflag reppatch reppatch_oflag reppatch_bflag multipatch_bflag \
	    rflag_uflagless ruflag rflagless dash_r dash_r_file dash_io dash_ri dash_o_file dash_rio \
            dash_ro_file rej_dash_io rej_dash_o_file dash_o_append dash_o_truncate stdout_o_append \
	    bflag_dash_rio bflag_dash_ro_file bflag_dry bflag_oflagless symlink mode reppatch_ndef \
	    reppatch_def def_excl def_zero def_one def_excl_one rej_multipatch doflag dioflag piflag \
	    poflag pioflag pdiflag pdoflag pdioflag pdflag_absolute explicit_absolute pflag_excess \
	    pflag_excess_one pflag_file dflag_file pdflag_file nonascii_name nonascii_name_indexline \
	    quoted_name quoted_name_indexline quoted_name_diffline quote_format
for f in $@; do
) | tee result2

touch result1 result2
cat result1 result2 > result
! grep FAILED < result >/dev/null
rm result1 result2 result
exit $ret