Correctness tests for the base utilities.

To test your system run

	env IN_PATH=x ./test-all [<utils>...]

To test your implementations run

	env EPATH=<path> ./test-all [<utils>...]

If you have exec-as installed, and what to test
multi-call binary, run

	env EXECBOX=<binary> ./test-all [<utils>...]

you also copy all files into <path> and just run

	./test [<utils>...]

To run the utilities under valgrind run

	env PREFIX=valgrind ./test-all [<utils>...]

You can also run indiviual tests:

	env [PREFIX=valgrind] [<UTIL>=<pathname>] ./<util>-test/test [<tests>...]

(<UTIL> is uppercase of <util> with _ instead of - (that is, `tr '[a-z-]' '[A-Z_]'`))

here, <pathname> usually require the prefix ../ unless it is
an absolute path, but sometimes the prefix ../../ is required.
Relative paths are always relative to ./<util>-test/, or
subdirectory of ./<util>-test/, not to the current working

The exit status for ./<util>-test/test are:

	0:  All tests passed.
	1:  The implemention is standards-compliant (as far as
            the test can tell), but at least one test failed.
	2:  The implemention is not standards-compliant.


	The test for patch(1) requires that the -f flag is
	implemented and it is used to prevent patch(1) from
	asking the user questions. If the -f flag is not
	available or does something else, set FORCE_PATCH
	to the path and flags for patch(1) that runs patch(1)
	qwithout asking questions. If the path is relative,
	it is relative to a direct subdiretory of ./patch-test/
	(../../ prefix.) You may also have to change some
	strings in ./patct-test/__test.