diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 71 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/auto-auto-complete.py b/auto-auto-complete.py
index db4576f..1aec519 100755
--- a/auto-auto-complete.py
+++ b/auto-auto-complete.py
@@ -172,13 +172,15 @@ class GeneratorBASH:
@param argumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of argumented options
@param variadic:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of variadic options
@param suggestion:list<list<↑|str>> Specification of argument suggestions
+ @param default:dict<str, list<str>>? Specification for optionless arguments
- def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion):
+ def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default):
self.program = program
self.unargumented = unargumented
self.argumented = argumented
self.variadic = variadic
self.suggestion = suggestion
+ self.default = default
@@ -219,28 +221,6 @@ class GeneratorBASH:
buf += ' local cur prev words cword\n'
buf += ' _init_completion -n = || return\n\n'
- options = []
- for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
- for item in group:
- if 'complete' in item:
- options += item['complete']
- buf += ' options="%s"\n' % (' '.join(options))
- buf += ' COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" ) )\n\n'
- suggesters = self.__getSuggesters()
- suggestFunctions = {}
- for function in self.suggestion:
- suggestFunctions[function[0]] = function[1:]
- indenticals = {}
- for option in suggesters:
- suggester = suggestFunctions[suggesters[option]]
- _suggester = str(suggester)
- if _suggester not in indenticals:
- indenticals[_suggester] = (suggester, [option])
- else:
- indenticals[_suggester][1].append(option)
def verb(text):
temp = text
for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_-+=/@:\'':
@@ -268,13 +248,7 @@ class GeneratorBASH:
return ' '.join([verb(item) for item in function])
return ' '.join([verb(functionType)] + [verb(item) for item in function])
- index = 0
- for _suggester in indenticals:
- (suggester, options) = indenticals[_suggester]
- conds = []
- for option in options:
- conds.append('[ $prev = "%s" ]' % option)
- buf += ' %s %s; then\n' % ('if' if index == 0 else 'elif', ' || '.join(conds))
+ def makesuggestion(suggester):
suggestion = '';
for function in suggester:
functionType = function[0]
@@ -296,6 +270,43 @@ class GeneratorBASH:
suggestion += '" $(( %s ))"' % (' '.join(expression))
+ return suggestion
+ suggesters = self.__getSuggesters()
+ suggestFunctions = {}
+ for function in self.suggestion:
+ suggestFunctions[function[0]] = function[1:]
+ options = []
+ for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
+ for item in group:
+ if 'complete' in item:
+ options += item['complete']
+ buf += ' options="%s"' % (' '.join(options))
+ if self.default is not None:
+ defSuggest = self.default['suggest'][0]
+ if defSuggest is not None:
+ buf += '" %s"' % makesuggestion(suggestFunctions[defSuggest])
+ buf += '\n'
+ buf += ' COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" ) )\n\n'
+ indenticals = {}
+ for option in suggesters:
+ suggester = suggestFunctions[suggesters[option]]
+ _suggester = str(suggester)
+ if _suggester not in indenticals:
+ indenticals[_suggester] = (suggester, [option])
+ else:
+ indenticals[_suggester][1].append(option)
+ index = 0
+ for _suggester in indenticals:
+ (suggester, options) = indenticals[_suggester]
+ conds = []
+ for option in options:
+ conds.append('[ $prev = "%s" ]' % option)
+ buf += ' %s %s; then\n' % ('if' if index == 0 else 'elif', ' || '.join(conds))
+ suggestion = makesuggestion(suggester);
if len(suggestion) > 0:
buf += ' suggestions=%s\n' % suggestion
buf += ' COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$suggestions" -- "$cur" ) )\n'
@@ -321,13 +332,15 @@ class GeneratorFISH:
@param argumented:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of argumented options
@param variadic:list<dict<str, list<str>>> Specification of variadic options
@param suggestion:list<list<↑|str>> Specification of argument suggestions
+ @param default:dict<str, list<str>>? Specification for optionless arguments
- def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion):
+ def __init__(self, program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default):
self.program = program
self.unargumented = unargumented
self.argumented = argumented
self.variadic = variadic
self.suggestion = suggestion
+ self.default = default
@@ -452,6 +465,19 @@ class GeneratorFISH:
if len(suggestion) > 0:
suggestFunctions[name] = suggestion
+ if self.default is not None:
+ buf += 'complete --command %s' % self.program
+ if 'desc' in item:
+ buf += ' --description %s' % verb(' '.join(item['desc']))
+ defFiles = self.default['files']
+ defSuggest = self.default['suggest'][0]
+ if defFiles is not None:
+ if (len(defFiles) == 1) and ('-0' in defFiles):
+ buf += ' --no-files'
+ if defSuggest is not None:
+ buf += ' --arguments %s' % suggestFunctions[defSuggest]
+ buf += '\n'
for group in (self.unargumented, self.argumented, self.variadic):
for item in group:
options = item['options']
@@ -469,7 +495,7 @@ class GeneratorFISH:
if 'desc' in item:
buf += ' --description %s' % verb(' '.join(item['desc']))
if options[0] in files:
- if (files[options[0]] == 1) and ('-0' in files[options[0]][0]):
+ if (len(files[options[0]]) == 1) and ('-0' in files[options[0]][0]):
buf += ' --no-files'
if options[0] in suggesters:
buf += ' --arguments %s' % suggestFunctions[suggesters[options[0]]]
@@ -499,6 +525,7 @@ def main(shell, output, source):
argumented = []
variadic = []
suggestion = []
+ default = None
for item in source[1:]:
if item[0] == 'unargumented':
@@ -509,6 +536,8 @@ def main(shell, output, source):
elif item[0] == 'suggestion':
+ elif item[0] == 'default':
+ default = item[1:];
for group in (unargumented, argumented, variadic):
for index in range(0, len(group)):
@@ -517,10 +546,15 @@ def main(shell, output, source):
for elem in item:
map[elem[0]] = elem[1:]
group[index] = map
+ if default is not None:
+ map = {}
+ for elem in default:
+ map[elem[0]] = elem[1:]
+ default = map
generator = 'Generator' + shell.upper()
generator = globals()[generator]
- generator = generator(program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion)
+ generator = generator(program, unargumented, argumented, variadic, suggestion, default)
code = generator.get()
with open(output, 'wb') as file:
diff --git a/example b/example
index 4316d50..2c7b1f7 100644
--- a/example
+++ b/example
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ (default (arg MESSAGE) (files -0) (suggest message) (desc 'Message spoken by the pony'))
(multiple unargumented
((options -h --help) (complete --help) (desc 'Show summary of options'))
((options -v --version) (complete --version) (desc 'Show version of program'))
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@
(variadic (options ++f ++files ++ponies) (bind +f) (desc 'Specify the extraponies that may be printed'))
(variadic (options --q --quotes) (bind -q) (desc 'Specify the pony that may quote themself'))
+ (suggestion message (verbatim MESSAGE)
+ )
(suggestion pony-f (exec "'/usr/bin/ponysay'" --onelist)
(no-exec ls "'/usr/share/ponysay/ponies'" .pony)