.TH ASROOT 8 asroot .SH NAME asroot - run a process as the root user .SH SYNOPSIS .B asroot [-e] .I command .RI [ argument ]\ ... .SH DESCRIPTION The .B asroot utility asks for the user's password and runs the specified .I command with sanitised and updated environment variables. .PP Only users in the .B wheel group are allowed to run the .B asroot utility, unless it is installed with non-standard permissions. .SH OPTIONS The .B asroot utility conforms to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, .IR "Section 12.2" , .IR "Utility Syntax Guidelines" . .PP The following option is supported: .TP .B -e Keep the environment variables as is. Neither sanitise nor update them. .SH OPERANDS The following operands are supported: .TP .I command The command that shall be run with as the root user. This will be both the process image and the process's zeroth command line argument. .TP .IR argument \ ... Command line arguments for the command to run. .SH STDIN The .B asroot utility does not use the standard input, however the .I command it starts may. .SH INPUT FILES None. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The following environment variables affects the execution of .BR asroot : .TP .SH PATH Default. See to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, Section 8.3, Other Environment Variables. .SH ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS Default. .SH STDOUT The .B asroot utility does not use the standard output, however the .I command it starts may. .SH STDERR The standard error is used for diagnostic messages and the password prompt. The .I command the .B asroot utility starts may also use the standard error. .SH OUTPUT FILES None. .SH EXTENDED DESCRIPTION None. .SH EXIT STATUS If the .B asroot utility fails it will exit with one of the following statuses: .TP 125 A error occurred. .TP 126 The process failed to change process image. .TP 127 The specified command was not found. .PP If the .B asroot utility is successful, the exit status is defined by the .I command it starts. .SH CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS Default. .SH APPLICATION USAGE None. .SH EXAMPLES None. .SH RATIONALE None. .SH NOTES The .I PATH environment variable will not be updated. Updates environment variables are: .IR HOME , .IR LOGNAME , .IR MAIL , .IR SHEEL , and .IR USER . .SH BUGS None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS None. .SH SEE ALSO .BR editasroot (8), .BR key2root (8), .BR sudo (8), .BR doas (1), .BR su (1) .SH AUTHORS Mattias Andrée .RI < maandree@kth.se >