path: root/src
diff options
authorMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2013-06-18 19:07:33 +0200
committerMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2013-06-18 19:07:33 +0200
commit401718e4e5dc1fbd31c4a986eb012c438cd11ea5 (patch)
tree42b8f1999a392d85afad5732a22bae097aa9fd50 /src
parentm (diff)
complete bash version
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/argparser.bash b/src/argparser.bash
index e19d4fb..b50e859 100644
--- a/src/argparser.bash
+++ b/src/argparser.bash
@@ -70,6 +70,48 @@ function args_init
+# Look up function for parsed arguments
+# @param $1:str Action: has, count, null or get
+# @param $2:str Option name
+# @exit 0 on success/true, 1 on false, 2 on failure
+# @action has Checks if the option is used
+# @action count Gets the number of time the option is used, :int is returned
+# @action null Checks if the option value at index $3:int is null
+# @action get Gets option value of indices $3…, all values if $# = 2, :(str) is returned
+function args_option
+ local rc dir="${args_opts}/$2" i
+ if [ "$1" = has ]; then
+ [ -e "${dir}" ]
+ return $?
+ elif [ "$1" = count ]; then
+ if [ -e "${dir}" ]; then
+ echo "$(wc -l < "${dir}/null")"
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo 0
+ return 1
+ fi
+ elif [ "$1" = null ]; then
+ rc="$(head -n $(( $3 + 1 )) < "${dir}/null" | tail -n 1)"
+ return (( 1 - $rc ))
+ elif [ "$1" = get ]; then
+ shift 2
+ if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ cat "${dir}/data"
+ else
+ for i in "$@"; do
+ head -n $(( $i + 1 )) < "${dir}/data" | tail -n 1
+ done
+ fi
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 2
# Disposes of resources, you really should be doing this when you are done with this module
# @param $1:int The ID of process that alloceted the resources, empty for the current process
@@ -224,10 +266,10 @@ function args_add_argumentless
local default="$1" help="$2" std alts alt
shift 2
- args_options+=( ${args_ARGUMENTLESS} "" "${help}" ${#args_opts_alts[@]} $# )
- args_opts_alts+=( "$@" )
alts=( "$@" )
+ args_options+=( ${args_ARGUMENTLESS} "" "${help}" ${#args_opts_alts[@]} $# "${std}" )
+ args_opts_alts+=( "$@" )
for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do
echo "$std" > "${args_optmap}/${alt}"
echo ${args_ARGUMENTLESS} >> "${args_optmap}/${alt}"
@@ -248,10 +290,10 @@ function args_add_argumented
if [ "${arg}" = "" ]; then
- args_options+=( ${args_ARGUMENTED} "${arg}" "${help}" ${#args_opts_alts[@]} $# )
- args_opts_alts+=( "$@" )
alts=( "$@" )
+ args_options+=( ${args_ARGUMENTED} "${arg}" "${help}" ${#args_opts_alts[@]} $# "${std}" )
+ args_opts_alts+=( "$@" )
for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do
echo "$std" > "${args_optmap}/${alt}"
echo ${args_ARGUMENTED} >> "${args_optmap}/${alt}"
@@ -272,10 +314,10 @@ function args_add_variadic
if [ "${arg}" = "" ]; then
- args_options+=( ${args_VARIADIC} "${arg}" "${help}" ${#args_opts_alts[@]} $# )
- args_opts_alts+=( "$@" )
alts=( "$@" )
+ args_options+=( ${args_VARIADIC} "${arg}" "${help}" ${#args_opts_alts[@]} $# "${std}" )
+ args_opts_alts+=( "$@" )
for alt in "${alts[@]}"; do
echo "$std" > "${args_optmap}/${alt}"
echo ${args_VARIADIC} >> "${args_optmap}/${alt}"
@@ -319,11 +361,11 @@ function help
echo >> "${args_out}"
- n=$(( ${#args_options[@]} / 5 ))
+ n=$(( ${#args_options[@]} / 6 ))
while (( $i < $n )); do
- help="${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 2 ))]}"
- start=${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 3 ))]}
- count=${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 4 ))]}
+ help="${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 2 ))]}"
+ start=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 3 ))]}
+ count=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 4 ))]}
(( i++ ))
if [ "${help}" = "" ]; then
@@ -341,11 +383,11 @@ function help
echo -e "\e[01mSYNOPSIS:\e[21m" >> "${args_out}"
while (( $i < $n )); do
- type=${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 0 ))]}
- arg="${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 1 ))]}"
- help="${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 2 ))]}"
- start=${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 3 ))]}
- count=${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 4 ))]}
+ type=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 0 ))]}
+ arg="${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 1 ))]}"
+ help="${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 2 ))]}"
+ start=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 3 ))]}
+ count=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 4 ))]}
(( i++ ))
if [ "${help}" = "" ]; then
@@ -382,7 +424,7 @@ function help
while (( $i < $n )); do
- help="${args_options[(( $i * 5 + 2 ))]}"
+ help="${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 2 ))]}"
(( i++ ))
if [ "${help}" = "" ]; then
@@ -408,3 +450,188 @@ function help
echo >> "${args_out}"
+# Parse arguments
+# @param $@:(str) The command line arguments, should exclude the execute file
+# @exit Whether no unrecognised option is used
+function parse
+ local nulqueue=() argqueue=() optqueue=() queue=() opt arg _arg argnull
+ local dashed=0 tmpdashed=0 get=0 dontget=0 rc=0 i n more std sign type
+ args_argcount=$#
+ args_unrecognised_count=0
+ while [ ! $# = 0 ]; do
+ while [ ! $# = 0 ]; do
+ arg="$1"
+ shift 1
+ _arg="${arg/+/-}"
+ if [ ! $get = 0 ] && [ $dontget = 0 ]; then
+ (( get-- ))
+ argqueue+=( "$arg" )
+ nulqueue+=( 0 )
+ elif [ $tmpdashed = 1 ]; then
+ args_files+=( "$arg" )
+ tmpdashed=0
+ elif [ $dashed = 1 ]; then
+ args_files+=( "$arg" )
+ elif [ "$arg" = "++" ]; then
+ tmpdashed=1
+ elif [ "$arg" = "--" ]; then
+ dashed=1
+ elif (( ${#arg} > 1 )) && [ "${_arg::1}" = "-" ]; then
+ if (( ${#arg} > 2 )) && [ "${_arg::1}" = "${_arg:1:1}" ]; then
+ if [ ! $dontget = 0 ]; then
+ (( dontget-- ))
+ elif [ ! -e "${args_optmap}/${arg}" ]; then
+ (( args_unrecognised_count++ ))
+ if (( args_unrecognised_count <= 5 )); then
+ echo "${args_program}: warning: unrecognised option ${arg}" >> "${args_out}"
+ fi
+ rc=1
+ else
+ type="$(tail -n 1 < "${args_optmap}/${arg}")"
+ if [ $type = ${args_ARGUMENTLESS} ]; then
+ optqueue+=( "${arg}" )
+ argqueue+=( "" )
+ nulqueue+=( 1 )
+ elif []; then
+ _arg="${arg%%=*}"
+ type="$(tail -n 1 < "${args_optmap}/${_arg}")"
+ if (( $type >= ${args_ARGUMENTED} )); then
+ optqueue+=( "${_arg}" )
+ argqueue+=( "${arg#*=}" )
+ nulqueue+=( 0 )
+ if [ $type = ${args_VARIADIC} ]; then
+ dashed=1
+ fi
+ else
+ (( args_unrecognised_count++ ))
+ if (( args_unrecognised_count <= 5 )); then
+ echo "${args_program}: warning: unrecognised option ${arg}" >> "${args_out}"
+ fi
+ rc=1
+ fi
+ elif [ $type = ${args_ARGUMENTED} ]; then
+ optqueue+=( "${arg}" )
+ (( get++ ))
+ else
+ optqueue+=( "${arg}" )
+ argqueue+=( "" )
+ nulqueue+=( 1 )
+ dashed=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ sign="${_arg::1}"
+ i=1
+ n=${#arg}
+ while [ ! $i = $n ]; do
+ _arg="$sign${arg:$i:1}"
+ (( i++ ))
+ if [ -e "${args_optmap}/${_arg}" ]; then
+ type="$(tail -n 1 < "${args_optmap}/${_arg}")"
+ optqueue+=( "${_arg}" )
+ if [ $type = ${args_ARGUMENTLESS} ]; then
+ argqueue+=( "" )
+ nulqueue+=( 1 )
+ elif [ $type = ${args_ARGUMENTED} ]; then
+ if [ ${#arg} == $i ]; then
+ (( get++ ))
+ else
+ argqueue+=( "${arg:i}" )
+ nulqueue+=( 0 )
+ fi
+ break
+ else
+ if [ ${#arg} == $i ]; then
+ argqueue+=( "" )
+ nulqueue+=( 1 )
+ else
+ argqueue+=( "${arg:i}" )
+ nulqueue+=( 0 )
+ fi
+ dashed=1
+ break
+ fi
+ else
+ (( args_unrecognised_count++ ))
+ if (( args_unrecognised_count <= 5 )); then
+ echo "${args_program}: warning: unrecognised option ${arg}" >> "${args_out}"
+ fi
+ rc=1
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ args_files+=( "$arg" )
+ fi
+ done
+ set "${queue[@]}"
+ queue=()
+ done
+ i=0
+ n=${#optqueue[@]}
+ while (( $i < $n )); do
+ opt="${optqueue[$i]}"
+ arg=""
+ (( ${#argqueue[@]} > $i )) && [ ${nulqueue[$i]} = 1 ]
+ argnull=$?
+ if [ $argnull = 0 ]; then
+ arg="${argqueue[$i]}"
+ fi
+ (( i++ ))
+ opt="$(head -n 1 < "${args_optmap}/${opt}")"
+ if [ ! -e "${args_opts}/${opt}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${args_opts}/${opt}"
+ echo -n "${args_opts}/${opt}/data"
+ echo -n "${args_opts}/${opt}/null"
+ fi
+ if (( ${#argqueue[@]} >= $i )); then
+ echo "$arg" >> "${args_opts}/${opt}/data"
+ echo "$argnull" >> "${args_opts}/${opt}/null"
+ fi
+ done
+ i=0
+ n=$(( ${#arg_options[@]} / 6 ))
+ while (( $i < $n )); do
+ type=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 0 ))]}
+ std=${args_options[(( $i * 6 + 5 ))]}
+ (( i++ ))
+ if [ $type = ${args_VARIADIC} ] && [ -e "${args_opts}/${std}" ]; then
+ if [ "$(head -n 1 < "${args_opts}/${std}/null")" = 1 ]; then
+ rm "${args_opts}/${std}/data"
+ rm "${args_opts}/${std}/null"
+ fi
+ for arg in "${args_files[@]}"; do
+ echo "${arg}" >> "${args_opts}/${std}/data"
+ echo 0 >> "${args_opts}/${std}/null"
+ done
+ args_files=()
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ args_message="${args_files[*]}"
+ args_has_message="${#args_files[@]}"
+ if [[ ! $args_has_message = 0 ]]; then
+ args_has_message=1
+ fi
+ if (( ${args_unrecognised_count} > 5 )); then
+ more=$(( ${args_unrecognised_count} - 1 ))
+ echo -n "${args_program}: warning: ${more} more unrecognised " >> "${args_out}"
+ if [ ! $more = 1 ]; then
+ echo "options" >> "${args_out}"
+ else
+ echo "option" >> "${args_out}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $rc