	anysum - compute or verify against multiple checksums

	anysum (-c [-w] | [-a algoritms] ...) [-W options] ...
	       [-z] [file] ...

	The anysum utility can calculate checksums of a file using
	multiple hash functions, or using different parameters for
	the function, in parallel (the utility can calculate checksums
	for multiple files, but these are not calculated in parallel).

	The anysum utility can also check a file against multiple
	checksums using multiple hash function and hash function
	parameters in parallel, and check that the file matches at
	least one of the listed checksums.

	The anysum utility conforms to the Base Definitions volume of
	POSIX.1-2017, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

	The following options are supported:

	-a algorithms
		Comma-separated list of hash functions and
		parameters to compute checksums with.

		Currently supported values are:

			For MD2.

			For MD4.

			For MD5.

		ripemd128 or rmd128
			For RIPEMD-128.

		ripemd160 or rmd160
			For RIPEMD-160.

		ripemd256 or rmd256
			For RIPEMD-256.

		ripemd320 or rmd320
			For RIPEMD-320.

			For SHA-0.

			For SHA-1.

			For the 224 bit version of SHA-2.

			For the 256 bit version of SHA-2.

			For the 384 bit version of SHA-2.

			For the 512 bit version of SHA-2.

			For the 224 bit output variant of the
			512 (and 384) bit version of SHA-2.

			For the 256 bit output variant of the
			512 (and 384) bit version of SHA-2.

			For Keccak. The brackets and there parameter
			list, and each parameter, are optional. Any
			parameter the is skipped is automatically
			determined. BITRATE and CAPACITY are the
			Keccak function's bitrate and capacity bit
			bits, and LENGTH is the hash length is bits.
			SQUEEZES is the number of squeezes to perform
			after a input has been feed into the function;
			the default is one, and any number in excess
			of this is the number of squeezes to perform
			before squeezing out the hash.

			For Keccak[r=1152,c=448,n=224].

			For Keccak[r=1088,c=512,n=256].

			For Keccak[r=832,c=768,n=384].

			For Keccak[r=576,c=1024,n=512].

			For the 224 bit version of SHA-3.

			For the 256 bit version of SHA-3.

			For the 384 bit version of SHA-3.

			For the 512 bit version of SHA-3.

			For the 128 bit version of SHAKE. The brackets
			and n=LENGTH are optional; LENGTH shall the
			output size in bits (default is 128).

			For the 256 bit version of SHAKE. The brackets
			and n=LENGTH are optional; LENGTH shall the
			output size in bits (default is 256).

			For the 512 bit version of SHAKE. The brackets
			and n=LENGTH are optional; LENGTH shall the
			output size in bits (default is 512).

			For the 128 bit version of RawSHAKE. The
			brackets and n=LENGTH are optional; LENGTH
			shall the output size in bits (default is 128).

			For the 256 bit version of RawSHAKE. The
			brackets and n=LENGTH are optional; LENGTH
			shall the output size in bits (default is 256).

			For the 512 bit version of RawSHAKE. The
			brackets and n=LENGTH are optional; LENGTH
			shall the output size in bits (default is 512).

		blake224[salt=SALT] or b224[salt=SALT]
			For the 224 bit version of BLAKE. The brackets
			and salt=SALT are optional; SALT shall be a 32
			character long hexadecimal value.

		blake256[salt=SALT] or b256[salt=SALT]
			For the 256 bit version of BLAKE. The brackets
			and salt=SALT are optional; SALT shall be a 32
			character long hexadecimal value.

		blake384[salt=SALT] or b384[salt=SALT]
			For the 384 bit version of BLAKE. The brackets
			and salt=SALT are optional; SALT shall be a 64
			character long hexadecimal value.

		blake512[salt=SALT] or b512[salt=SALT]
			For the 512 bit version of BLAKE. The brackets
			and salt=SALT are optional; SALT shall be a 64
			character long hexadecimal value.

		The utility does also recognise similar values
		that are obviously equivalent.

		Read in binary mode when computing hashes.

		Verify the the files listed in file against the
		checksums listed on the same lines. The file
		shall be formatted as the output of the utility
		when this option is not used. See the STDOUT
		section for more information. If a file is listed
		multiple times, it need only match one of the
		checksums listed for the file.

		The length of the listed checksums need not match
		the length output by this utility; before the
		checksums are compared, they are truncated to the
		shorter of the two checksums.

		Read in text mode when computing hashes.

	-W options
		Comma-sepearated list of implementation-specific
		options. The following options are supported:

			format shall be "lowercase" if the checksums
			shall be printed in lowercase hexadecimal
			format (default), "uppercase" for uppercase
			hexadecimal format, or "binary" for binary
			format without anything but the checksum
			printed to standard output. This option is
			ignored if the -c option is used.

			format shall be "binary" if the files are
			be read in binary mode, "text" if the files
			shall be read in text mode, or "hexadecimal"
			they shall be decoded from hexadecimal to
			binary. If the -c option is used, the mode
			specification associated with a file is
			overrides this behaviour for that file if
			the line specifies hexadecimal mode.

			The maximum number of threads that the
			utility may use. If "auto" is specified,
			the utility selects a default value, which
			currently is the number of online CPU threads
			(at any time; assumed to be 8 if it cannot
			be determined) minus 2, or 1 if this would
			be less than 1.

			If a file operand is a directory, the checksum
			is computed for all files recursively. This
			option is ignored if the -c option is used.

			The utility shall traverse directories.
			(This is the default behaviour).

			Implies -Wrecursive but also allows the
			recursion across mountpoints.

			Disable recursion across mountpoints. (This is
			the default behaviour). Note that this does
			not disable recursion by itself.

			Implies -Wrecursive but also allows the
			recursion across symbolic links.

			Disable recursion across symbolic links. (This
			is the default behaviour). Note that this does
			not disable recursion by itself.

		Warn about, but skip, lines that are not properly

		Use NUL byte as line ending instead of LF.

	There is no difference between binary mode and text mode,
	so the -b and -t options are ignored.

	The following operand is supported:

		The file to read and compute the checksum for, or if
		the -c option is used, use as the listing of files
		and checksums to verify the files against. If dash
		('-') is used or if no file operand is specified,
		standard input will be used.

	If the -c option is not used, the utility shall print the
	following line for each calculated checksum, however there
	are options that modify the format; see the OPTIONS section
	for more information:

		"%s:%s %c%s\n", <hash function>, <hash>, <mode>,

	where <mode> is SP (' ') for text mode, an asterisk ('*')
	for binary mode, or a pound sign ('#') for hexadecimal
	mode; however if there is no difference between binary
	mode and text mode and either is selected, SP (' ')
	(text mode) is used.

	If the -c option the output shall be on the format:

		"%s: %s\n", <file>, <validity>

	where <validity> is an implementation specified string
	that describes whether the checksum was valid (possibly
	with remarks), the file did not exist, the file could
	not be read (possibly with error information), or if
	the checksum was invalid or could not be compared
	(possibly with remarks). The -z option does not modify
	the line ending.

	The following exit values are returned:

	0	Successful completion.

	1	Checksums did not match or a file did not exist.

	2	An error occurred.

	Other implementations do not necessarily recognise the
	'#' mode specifier in checksum list files.