.TH ALSAUSE 1 ALSAUSE .SH NAME alsause - Set default ALSA PCM device .SH SYNPOSIS .B alsause .RB [( \-r | .I name | .IR card \fB:\fP device ) .RI [ command .RI [ argument "] ...]]" .SH DESCRIPTION The .B alsause utility lists all ALSA PCM devices or sets, either for the user or for a program it starts, the default ALSA PCM device. .PP No options or operands are specified, .B alsause will list all ALSA PCM devices, otherwise it will set the default ALSA PCM device. .PP If .I command is specified, .B alsause will run that command with the default ALSA PCM device set only for that process and it's child processes. .SH OPTIONS The .B alsause utility conforms to the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, .IR "Section 12.2" ", " "Utility Syntax Guidelines" . .PP The following option is supported: .TP .B \-r Remove the user-specified default ALSA PCM device, falling back to the system-wide default ALSA PCM device. .SH OPERANDS The following operands shall be supported: .TP .IR card : device The card number and device number to use as the default ALSA PCM device. .TP .I name The card and device, by name, to use as the default ALSA PCM device. This string is on the form output by the .B alsause utility itself: .BR "\(dq%s - %s\(dq" , .RI < "card name" >, .RI < "device name" >. .TP .I command The name of the utility to be invoked. .TP .I argument A string to pass as an argument for the invoked utility. .SH STDIN Not used. .SH INPUT FILES None. .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The following environment variable affects the execution of .TP .I HOME Used to override the path to the user's home directroy. .TP .I PATH Determine the location of the .IR command , as described in the Base Definitions volume of POSIX.1-2017, .IR "Chapter 8" ", " "Environment Variables" . .PP Additionally, environment variables that affect ALSA takes precedence over the default device set by the .B alsause utility. .SH ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS Default. .SH STDOUT If no option or operand is specified, each ALSA PCM device is the form: .RS \fB\(dq%u:%u\et%s - %s\en\(dq,\fP <\fIcard number\fP>\fB,\fP <\fIdevice number\fP>\fB,\fP <\fIcard name\fP>\fB,\fP <\fIdevice name\fP> .RE Otherwise, the .B alsause utility does not write to standard output. .SH STDERR The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages. .SH OUTPUT FILES If the the default ALSA PCM device is set, the .B alsause utility may create, modify, replace, or unlink the file .I .asoundrc placed in the user's home directory. .SH EXTENDED DESCRIPTION None. .SH EXIT STATUS If .I command is invoked, the exit status of .B alsause is the exit status of .IR command ; otherwise, the .B alsause utility exits with one of the following values. .TP 0 The .I alsause utility completed successfully. .TP 125 An error occurred in the .I alsause utility. .TP 126 The utility specified by .I command was found but could not be invoked. .TP 127 The utility specified by .I command could not be found. .SH SEE ALSO None.