path: root/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
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authorMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2014-10-12 03:39:31 +0200
committerMattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>2014-10-12 03:39:31 +0200
commitb4489e38bff16c4f6ce9ef186f2feed80644fa32 (patch)
tree5d1bd6983d6231160841b8bae07ab2a51bc5321b /src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
parentnote on performance (diff)
fix errors and start on a performance test
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree@operamail.com>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template b/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
index 53a7c4a..b225457 100644
--- a/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
+++ b/src/datastructures/linkedlists/template
@@ -120,6 +120,21 @@ public class £{name}<T>
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public £{name}(Class<T> tClass)
+ {
+ this.tClass = tClass;
+£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
+£>new node null
+ this.edge = node;
+£>for var in $refs; do
+ £($var this.edge) = £(singularity this.edge);
+ }
@@ -153,9 +168,10 @@ public class £{name}<T>
* Constructor
- public £{name}()
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public £{name}(Class<T> tClass)
@@ -164,15 +180,23 @@ public class £{name}<T>
* @param initialCapacity The initial size of the arrays
- public £{name}(int initialCapacity)
+ public £{name}(Class<T> tClass, int initialCapacity)
+ this.tClass = tClass;
initialCapacity = algorithms.bits.Powers.toPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
this.capacity = initialCapacity;
£>for var in $refs reusable; do
this.£{var} = new int[initialCapacity];
- this.values = (T[])(new Object[initialCapacity]);
+ this.values = (T[])(Array.newInstance(this.tClass, initialCapacity));
+£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
+£>new node null
+ this.edge = node;
+£>for var in $refs; do
+ £($var this.edge) = £(singularity this.edge);
@@ -233,22 +257,27 @@ public class £{name}<T>
+ /**
+ * Java's generics erasure is kind of silly
+ * when it comes to arrays. We can either
+ * create {@code Object[]} and cast it to
+ * {@code T[]} and let the user of the class
+ * cast it back to {@code Object[]}, get an
+ * element and cast it back to {@code T}; or
+ * we can let the user not only specify
+ * {@code <T>} when calling the constructor,
+ * but also add an {@code T.class} argument
+ * and then store that argument so we can
+ * at any time use the class {@link Array}
+ * to create an array.
+ */
+ private Class<T> tClass;
£>if (( with_sentinel )); then
* The sentinel node in the list
public £{Node} edge;
- /**
- * Initialiser
- */
- {
-£>new node null
- this.edge = node;
-£>for var in $refs; do
- £($var this.edge) = £(singularity this.edge);
- }
£>if (( with_head )); then
@@ -290,7 +319,7 @@ public class £{name}<T>
£>(( with_xor )) &&
int prev = EDGE;
- T[] vals = (T[])(new Object[cap]);
+ T[] vals = (T[])(Array.newInstance(this.tClass, cap));
£>if (( 1 - with_head )); then
int head = 0;
while ((head < this.end) && (£($forward head) == UNUSED))
@@ -359,7 +388,7 @@ public class £{name}<T>
if (this.end == this.capacity)
this.capacity <<= 1;
- System.arraycopy(this.values, 0, this.values = (T[])(new Object[this.capacity]), 0, this.end);
+ System.arraycopy(this.values, 0, this.values = (T[])(Array.newInstance(this.tClass, this.capacity)), 0, this.end);
£>for var in $refs reusable; do
System.arraycopy(this.£{var}, 0, this.£{var} = new int[this.capacity], 0, this.end);