/** * adjbacklight – Convient method for adjusting the backlight on your portable computer * * Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014 Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef PATH_MAX #warning PATH_MAX is not defined #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif /** * The years this software has been developed */ #define _YEARS_ "2012, 2013, 2014" /** * Forking method */ #ifndef FORK #define FORK fork #endif /** * The directory where the backlight devices are found and configured */ #ifndef BACKLIGHT_DIR #define BACKLIGHT_DIR "/sys/class/backlight" #endif /** * Print a line to stdout * * @param S:const char* The string to print */ #define P(S) printf("%s", S "\n") /** * Cut a string of at the first line break * A help `int` named `i` must be available * * @param data:char* The string, it will be modified * @return :char* The input string, it has been modified */ #define unnl(data) \ ({ \ for (i = 0; *(data + i); i++) \ if (*(data + i) == '\n') \ *(data + i) = 0; \ data; \ }) /** * Test whether a string numerical and with at most two trailing '%' * * @param str The string * @return Whether the test passed */ static int isnumerical(const char* str); /** * Interactively adjust the backlight on a device * * @param cols The number of columns on the terminal * @param device The device on which to adjust backlight */ static void adjust(int cols, const char* device); /** * Gets the current backlight setting on a device * * @param device The device from which to get backlight * @return The brightness as a [0; 1] float, negative on error */ static float getbrightness(const char* device); /** * Sets the current backlight setting on a device * * @param device The device from which to get backlight * @param adjustment The adjustment to make */ static void setbrightness(const char* device, const char* adjustment); /** * Read a file * * @param output Buffer to store the file's content in * @param file The file to read * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure */ static int readfile(char* output, const char* file); /** * Write an integer to a file * * @param buffer Buffer for temporary data * @param integer The integer to write * @param file The file to which to write * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure */ static int writefile(char* buffer, int integer, const char* file); /** * Print the status * * @param min The minimum possible brightness * @param max The maximum possible brightness * @param init The brightness used when the program started * @param cur The current brightness * @param cols The number of columns on the terminal */ static void bars(int min, int max, int init, int cur, int cols); /** * A series of spaces used to print the bar */ static char* space; /** * A series of vertical lines used to print the bar */ static char* line; /** * This is the mane entry point of the program * * @param argc The number of elements in `argv` * @parma argv Command line arguments, including the command * @return Exit value, zero on success */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct winsize win; struct termios saved_stty; struct termios stty; size_t i, ndevices = 0; pid_t pid = 0; char* set = NULL; int j, get = 0, help = 0, all = 0, cols = 80; char** devices = alloca((size_t)argc * sizeof(char*)); if (argc > 1) { char* arg; for (i = 1; i < (size_t)argc; i++) { #define T(S) (!strcmp(arg, S)) arg = *(argv + i); if (T("-h") || T("--help")) help = 1; else if (T("-a") || T("--all")) all = 1; else if (T("-c") || T("--copyright") || T("--copying")) { P("\n"); P("adjbacklight – Convient method for adjusting the backlight on your portable computer"); P(""); P("Copyright © " _YEARS_ " Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)"); P(""); P("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify"); P("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by"); P("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or"); P("(at your option) any later version."); P(""); P("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"); P("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"); P("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the"); P("GNU General Public License for more details."); P(""); P("You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License"); P("along with this program. If not, see ."); P("\n"); return 0; } else if (T("-w") || T("--warranty")) { P("\n"); P("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"); P("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"); P("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the"); P("GNU General Public License for more details."); P("\n"); return 0; } else if (T("-s") || T("--set")) { char* tmp; if (i + 1 == (size_t)argc) fprintf(stderr, "%s: argument for option %s is missing, ignoring option\n", *argv, arg); else if (!isnumerical(tmp = *(argv + ++i))) fprintf(stderr, "%s: argument for option %s is malformated, ignoring option\n", *argv, arg); else { set = tmp; get = 0; } } else if (T("-g") || T("--get")) { get = 1; set = NULL; } else if (((*arg == '-') || (*arg == '+') || (*arg == '=')) && isnumerical(arg + 1)) { set = arg; get = 0; } else { if (*arg && (*arg != '-')) *(devices + ndevices++) = arg; else fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignoring unrecognised argument: %s\n", *argv, arg); } #undef T } fflush(stderr); if (help || (((size_t)all + ndevices + (size_t)get == 0) && !set)) { P("\n"); P("adjbacklight - Convient method for adjusting the backlight on your portable computer"); P(""); P("USAGE: adjbacklight (-c | -w | [-g | -s LEVEL | LEVEL] [-a | DEVICE...])"); P(""); P("Run with options to adjust the backlight on your monitors."); P(""); P(""); P("OPTIONS:"); P(""); P("-c"); P("--copyright"); P("--copying Display copyright information"); P(""); P("-w"); P("--warranty Display warranty disclaimer"); P(""); P("-a"); P("--all Run for all devices, including ACPI devices"); P(""); P("-g"); P("--get Get average brightness on devices"); P(""); P("-s"); P("--set LEVEL[%] Set brightness on devices"); P(""); P("+LEVEL Increase brightness on devices by actual value"); P("-LEVEL Decrease brightness on devices by actual value"); P("=LEVEL Set brightness on devices by actual value"); P(""); P("+LEVEL% Increase brightness on devices by percentage"); P("-LEVEL% Decrease brightness on devices by percentage"); P("=LEVEL% Set brightness on devices by percentage"); P(""); P("+LEVEL%% Increase brightness on devices by relative percentage"); P("-LEVEL%% Decrease brightness on devices by relative percentage"); P("=LEVEL%% Set brightness on devices by relative percentage"); P(""); P(""); P("KEYBOARD:"); P(""); P("←"); P("↓ Darken the screen"); P(""); P("→"); P("↑ Brighten the screen"); P(""); P("q"); P("enter"); P("C-d Continue to next controller, or if at last, quit"); P(""); P(""); P(""); P("Copyright © " _YEARS_ " Mattias Andrée (maandree@member.fsf.org)"); P(""); P("This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify"); P("it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by"); P("the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or"); P("(at your option) any later version."); P(""); return 0; } } /* Check permissions */ if (getuid()) /* Always accept root */ { struct group* video_grp = getgrnam("video"); if (video_grp) /* Accept everypony if the group ‘video’ does not exist */ { struct passwd* realuser = getpwuid(getuid()); char** mems; char* realname; int ok; if (!realuser) { P("You do not exist, go away!"); return 1; } mems = video_grp->gr_mem; realname = realuser->pw_name; ok = 0; for (; *mems; mems++) if (!strcmp(realname, *mems)) { ok = 1; break; } endgrent(); if (!ok) { P("Sorry, you need to be in the group 'video'."); return 1; } } endpwent(); } if (!get && !set) { P("\n"); P("If the program is abnormally aborted the may be some residual"); P("effects on the terminal. the following commands should reset it:"); P(""); P(" stty icanon echo"); P(" echo -en '\\e[?25h'"); P(""); P("\n\n\n"); } if (!get && !set) { /* Get the size of the terminal */ if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == -1) perror(*argv); else cols = win.ws_col; /* Hide cursor */ printf("%s", "\033[?25l"); fflush(stdout); /* stty -icanon -echo */ if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &stty)) { perror(*argv); return 1; } saved_stty = stty; stty.c_lflag &= (tcflag_t)~(ICANON | ECHO); if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &stty)) { perror(*argv); return 1; } } /* Fork to diminish risk of unclean exit */ if (!get && !set) { pid = FORK(); if (pid == (pid_t)-1) { perror(*argv); pid = 0; } } if (pid) waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); else { float brightness = 0; int nbrightness = 0; if (!get && !set) { line = malloc((size_t)cols * 3 * sizeof(char)); space = malloc((size_t)cols * sizeof(char)); for (i = 0; i < (size_t)cols; i++) { *(line + i * 3 + 0) = (char)(0xE2); *(line + i * 3 + 1) = (char)(0x94); *(line + i * 3 + 2) = (char)(0x80); *(space + i) = ' '; } *(space + cols - 1) = 0; *(line + (cols - 2) * 3) = 0; } if (ndevices) { char* device; for (i = 0; i < ndevices; i++) { device = *(devices + i); for (j = 0; *(device + j); j++) if (*(device + j) == '/') { device += j + 1; j = -1; } if (get) { float value = getbrightness(device); if (value >= 0.f) { brightness += value; nbrightness++; } } else if (set) setbrightness(device, set); else adjust(cols, device); } } else { struct dirent* ent; DIR* dir = opendir(BACKLIGHT_DIR); if (dir) { char* device; while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { device = ent->d_name; if (all || (strstr(device, "acpi_video") != device)) if (*device && (*device != '.')) { if (get) { float value = getbrightness(device); if (value >= 0.f) { brightness += value; nbrightness++; } } else if (set) setbrightness(device, set); else adjust(cols, device); } } closedir(dir); } } if (!get && !set) { free(line); free(space); } else if (get) { if (nbrightness) { brightness *= 100.f; brightness /= (float)nbrightness; printf("%.2f%%\n", (double)brightness); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("%s\n", "100.00%"); fflush(stdout); } } } if (!get && !set) { /* `stty icanon echo` */ if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &saved_stty)) { perror(*argv); return 1; } /* Show cursor */ printf("%s", "\033[?25h"); fflush(stdout); } return 0; } /** * Test whether a string numerical and with at most two trailing '%' * * @param str The string * @return Whether the test passed */ static int isnumerical(const char* str) { int p = 0, d = 0; if ((*str == 0) || (*str == '%')) return 0; for (; *str; str++) { switch (*str) { case '.': if (d++) return 0; /* fall through */ case '0' ... '9': if (p) return 0; break; case '%': p++; break; default: return 0; } } return p <= 2; } /** * Interactively adjust the backlight on a device * * @param cols The number of columns on the terminal * @param device The device on which to adjust backlight */ static void adjust(int cols, const char* device) { int min, max, cur, step, init, i, d; size_t lendir; char* dir = alloca(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)); char* buf = alloca(256 * sizeof(char)); *dir = 0; dir = strcat(dir, BACKLIGHT_DIR "/"); dir = strcat(dir, device); dir = strcat(dir, "/"); lendir = strlen(dir); /* Get brightness parameters */ min = 0; if (readfile(buf, strcat(dir, "max_brightness"))) return; max = atoi(unnl(buf)); *(dir + lendir) = 0; if (readfile(buf, strcat(dir, "brightness"))) return; cur = atoi(unnl(buf)); if (max <= min) return; /* what the buck */ step = (max - min) / 200 ?: 1; init = cur; P("\n\n\n\n\n"); bars(min, max, init, cur, cols); while ((d = getchar()) != -1) switch (d) { case 'q': case '\n': case 4: P(""); return; case 'A': case 'C': cur += step << 1; /* fall through */ case 'B': case 'D': cur -= step; if (cur < min) cur = min; if (cur > max) cur = max; if (writefile(buf, cur, dir)) return; bars(min, max, init, cur, cols); } } /** * Gets the current backlight setting on a device * * @param device The device from which to get backlight * @return The brightness as a [0; 1] float, negative on error */ static float getbrightness(const char* device) { int min, max, cur, i; size_t lendir; char* dir = alloca(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)); char* buf = alloca(256); *dir = 0; dir = strcat(dir, BACKLIGHT_DIR "/"); dir = strcat(dir, device); dir = strcat(dir, "/"); lendir = strlen(dir); /* Get brightness parameters */ min = 0; if (readfile(buf, strcat(dir, "max_brightness"))) return -1.f; max = atoi(unnl(buf)); *(dir + lendir) = 0; if (readfile(buf, strcat(dir, "brightness"))) return -1.f; cur = atoi(unnl(buf)); if (max <= min) return -1.f; /* what the buck */ return (float)cur / (float)(max - min); } /** * Sets the current backlight setting on a device * * @param device The device from which to get backlight * @param adjustment The adjustment to make */ static void setbrightness(const char* device, const char* adjustment) { int min, max, cur, i, adj; size_t lendir; char* dir = alloca(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)); char* buf = alloca(256); int act = 0, integer = 0, decimal = 0, p = 0, d = 0; *dir = 0; dir = strcat(dir, BACKLIGHT_DIR "/"); dir = strcat(dir, device); dir = strcat(dir, "/"); lendir = strlen(dir); /* Get brightness parameters */ min = 0; if (readfile(buf, strcat(dir, "max_brightness"))) return; max = atoi(unnl(buf)); *(dir + lendir) = 0; if (readfile(buf, strcat(dir, "brightness"))) return; cur = atoi(unnl(buf)); if (max <= min) return; /* what the buck */ /* Read -/+/= head */ if (*adjustment == '-') act = -1; else if (*adjustment == '+') act = 1; else if (*adjustment != '=') adjustment--; adjustment++; /* Parse numerical part */ for (; *adjustment && (*adjustment != '%'); adjustment++) if (*adjustment == '.') d = 1; else if (d) { if ((long long)d * 10 > (long long)INT_MAX) continue; if ((long long)decimal * 10 + 9 > (long long)INT_MAX) continue; d *= 10; decimal *= 10; decimal += (*adjustment) - '0'; } else { integer *= 10; integer += (*adjustment) - '0'; } if (!d) d = 1; /* Count number of p:s */ while (*adjustment++) p++; /* Calculate value to send */ if (p == 0) adj = integer + (int)((double)decimal / (double)d + 0.5d); else if (p == 1) adj = (int)(((double)integer + (double)decimal / (double)d) * (double)(max - min) / 100.d); else adj = (int)(((double)integer + (double)decimal / (double)d) * (double)cur / 100.d); adj = (act & 1) * cur + (act | 1) * adj; if (adj < min) adj = min; if (adj > max) adj = max; /* Send value */ writefile(buf, adj, dir); } /** * Read a file * * @param output Buffer to store the file's content in * @param file The file to read * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure */ static int readfile(char* output, const char* file) { #define BLOCK_SIZE 256 /* We will not even encounter that much */ FILE* f; size_t got, have = 0; int ended = 0; if ((f = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { perror(file); return -1; } while (!ended) { got = fread(output + have, 1, BLOCK_SIZE, f); if (got != BLOCK_SIZE) { ended = feof(f); have += got; clearerr(f); fclose(f); if (!ended) { perror(file); return -1; } } else have += got; } *(output + have) = 0; return 0; } /** * Write an integer to a file * * @param buffer Buffer for temporary data * @param integer The integer to write * @param file The file to which to write * @return Zero on success, non-zero on failure */ static int writefile(char* buffer, int integer, const char* file) { FILE* f; size_t n = 0; buffer += 32; do { *(buffer - n++) = (char)((integer % 10) + '0'); integer /= 10; } while (integer); buffer -= n - 1; *(buffer + n++) = '\n'; if ((f = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { perror(file); return -1; } if (fwrite(buffer, 1, n, f) != n) { perror(file); fclose(f); return -1; } fflush(f); fclose(f); return 0; } /** * Print the status * * @param min The minimum possible brightness * @param max The maximum possible brightness * @param init The brightness used when the program started * @param cur The current brightness * @param cols The number of columns on the terminal */ static void bars(int min, int max, int init, int cur, int cols) { int mid = (int)((float)(cur - min) * (float)(cols - 2) / (float)(max - min) + 0.5f); printf("\033[1000D\033[6A"); printf("\033[2K┌%s┐\n", line); *(space + mid) = 0; printf("\033[2K│\033[47m%s\033[49m%s│\n", space, space + mid + 1); *(space + mid) = ' '; printf("\033[2K└%s┘\n", line); printf("\033[2KMaximum brightness: %i\n", max); printf("\033[2KInitial brightness: %i\n", init); printf("\033[2KCurrent brightness: %i\n", cur); fflush(stdout); }