.TH ADJBACKLIGHT 1 ADJBACKLIGHT .SH NAME adjbacklight - Convenient method for adjusting the backlight on your portable computer .SH SYNOPSIS .B adjbacklight (-c | -w | [-g | -s .IR LEVEL | .IR LEVEL ] [-a | .IR DEVICE ...]) .SH DESCRIPTION .B adjbacklight can be used to fetch or set the backlight non-interactively. If these feature is not used, it starts a interactive user interface in the terminal. .PP .B adjbacklight installs with the set-uid bit set, to enable any user to change the backlight on the computer. .PP .B adjbacklight was originally designed for small netbooks that are not running .BR X . However, it is still suitable for desktop computers and can be used inside .BR X . In fact it seems to work for all machines with backlight, which is not true for .BR xbacklight (1). .V adjbacklight uses .IR /sys/class/backlight . .B adjbacklight as been retrofitted to be convenient for use inside .B X on desktop computers, with commands that lets it be used non-interactively with hotkeys set up in .BR xbindkeys (1). .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-c ,\ \-\-copyright ,\ \-\-copying Display copyright information. .TP .BR \-w, \ \-\-warranty Display warranty disclaimer. .TP .BR \-a, \ \-\-all Run for all devices, including ACPI devices. .TP .BR \-g, \ \-\-get Get average brightness on devices. .TP .BR \-s, \ \-\-set \ \fILEVEL\fP[%] Set brightness on devices. .PP .TP .BR \+ \fILEVEL\fP Increase brightness on devices by actual value. .TP .BR \- \fILEVEL\fP Decrease brightness on devices by actual value. .TP .BR \= \fILEVEL\fP Set brightness on devices by actual value. .br .TP .BR \+ \fILEVEL\fP% Increase brightness on devices by percentage-points. .TP .BR \- \fILEVEL\fP% Decrease brightness on devices by percentage-points. .TP .BR \= \fILEVEL\fP% Set brightness on devices by percentage-points. .br .TP .BR \+ \fILEVEL\fP%% Increase brightness on devices by percentage. .TP .BR \- \fILEVEL\fP%% Decrease brightness on devices by percentage. .TP .BR \= \fILEVEL\fP%% Set brightness on devices by percentage. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR xbindkeys (1), .BR xbacklight (1) .PP Full documentation available locally via: info \(aq(adjbacklight)\(aq .SH AUTHORS Principal author, Mattias Andrée. See the COPYING file for the full list of authors. .SH LICENSE Copyright \(co 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Mattias Andrée .br License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . .br This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. .br There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. .SH BUGS Please report bugs to https://github.com/maandree/adjbacklight/issues or to maandree@member.fsf.org