.TH ADJBACKLIGHT 1 ADJBACKLIGHT .SH NAME adjbacklight - Convenient method for adjusting the backlight on your portable computer .SH SYNOPSIS .B adjbacklight [-g | -s .RB [ + | - ]\fIlevel\fP[ % | %% ]] [-a | .IR device \ ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .B adjbacklight can be used to fetch or set the backlight non-interactively. If these feature is not used, it starts a interactive user interface in the terminal. However, if stdin is not a terminal, every line from stdin is parsed as a .B -s argument. .P .B adjbacklight installs with the set-uid bit set, to enable any user to change the backlight on the computer. .P .B adjbacklight was originally designed for small netbooks that are not running .BR X . However, it is still suitable for desktop computers and can be used inside .BR X . In fact it seems to work for all machines with backlight, which is not true for .BR xbacklight (1). .B adjbacklight uses .IR /sys/class/backlight . .B adjbacklight as been retrofitted to be convenient for use inside .B X on desktop computers, with commands that lets it be used non-interactively with hotkeys set up in .BR xbindkeys (1). .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-a Run for all devices, including ACPI devices. .TP .BR \-g Get average brightness on devices. .TP .BR -s \ \fIlevel\fP Set brightness on devices by actual value. .TP .BR -s\ + \fIlevel\fP Increase brightness on devices by actual value. .TP .BR -s\ - \fIlevel\fP Decrease brightness on devices by actual value. .TP .BR -s \ \fIlevel\fP% Set brightness on devices by percentage-points. .TP .BR -s\ + \fIlevel\fP% Increase brightness on devices by percentage-points. .TP .BR -s\ - \fIlevel\fP% Decrease brightness on devices by percentage-points. .TP .BR -s \ \fIlevel\fP%% Set brightness on devices by percentage. .TP .BR -s\ + \fIlevel\fP%% Increase brightness on devices by percentage. .TP .BR -s\ - \fIlevel\fP%% Decrease brightness on devices by percentage. .SH KEYBOARD .TP .BR left ,\ down Darken the screen. .TP .BR right ,\ up Brighten the screen. .TP .BR q ,\ enter ,\ C-d Continue to next controller, or if at last, quit. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR xbindkeys (1), .BR xbacklight (1) .SH AUTHORS Mattias Andrée .RI < maandree@kth.se >